Because the vast majority of space junk is non ferrous material, so a magnet will not work.
Because the vast majority of space junk is non ferrous material, so a magnet will not work.
I have noticed that also. There seems to be more depth of field, almost like 3D, but not quite.
'88 Pontiac Fiero GT is offended by your comment
Great, now you guys created a plot hole in the BTTF series, and the subsequent paradox will wipe the existence of the movie from time.
In the scene where Elliot and his pals are running from the cops, they change the guns the cops are carrying to walkie-talkies.
I agree. I always thought asking questions that don't appear to have any bearing on a relationship would be best. Ask about pop culture, books, movies, food, or 'check a sentence for grammar and spelling'. Questions where there is no apparent 'right' answer would yield the most honest answers.
HA HA you beat me to the punchline. Nice work.
What's Fonzie like? What's Fonzie like!?!
The equation for Hp is RPM*Torque/5252. wagnerrp is right on with his estimations. So using 30K ft-lbf you get about 280 RMP at 1600 HP
To me the thubnail on the main page looked like Tara Reid.
Is that you Biff?
No worries, it is front wheel drive, and now it weighs less without the ass end.
I haven't seen an unwound tape by the side of the road in a long time. Ah the good old days.
From your comment above, I can deduce you would have a roast beef sandwich from the party tray.
Even if you are a high schooler, or college student, some rubber cement and spandex would work better than this.
Yeah, I have a very similar one handed method also. Just made sense to keep one hand clean. 6 Mango-Habenro and 6 Caribbean Jerk. So good.
Uh, how else would you read it? I even put in the clearing of the throat part.
I hear you. I am torn also. On one hand, I feel it takes more imagination with the old school head. On the other hand, there are some cool faces that have come out. Also a lot of the new heads have two faces printed on them, that throws me off, and requires hair. Only the super rich lego citizens had hair back in…
Ah, original Blacktron they were too cool for their own good. Their space suits and blacked out visors were too much for the other space colonies. They had the supreme council decree Blacktron had to be less 'cool' so you see the version 2 with neon yellow replaced for the cool.
If you can't win by playing fair, cheat like hell. I like the old trick of jamming a handle into the other player's groin. That should buy you a few seconds to take an unblocked shot on the goal, just watch out for retailation.