

Or you know, it might be better to try to persuade people to vote your way instead of trying to constantly shame people. After this election, liberals seem to have a longer enemies list than Trump and Nixon combined.

Not OP but jez is extremely guilty of this.

Woah- salty! Do you kiss your sheep with that mouth, Clem?

How do you get off on calling someone a cunt, you pathetic little shitbag?

As I’ve said repeatedly, what caused doesn’t matter. The fact is, an elderly white man got into a minor car accident with two black men. The men then became to beat the shit out of him. A mob of black people then formed to watch the incident, gleefully cheering on the attackers (“BEAT HIS ASS!”) and assuming the old

Actually the guy in the first video was in a incident where a car got scraped and people pulled him out of his car and beat him. The onlookers were yelling that he was a Trump voter just because he was white. Even the victim says there was no way they could know who he voted for, no stickers etc on his car

Wait—I’m a troll? Since when?

It’s not retribution if she lied. It’s a crime. You call out everyone for making assumptions, just like you are doing yourself.

Another “Liar for Hillary.” Since Huma has crossed over into crazy-land sounds like this girl could replace her.

The updated Washington Post story has a statement from the police saying that she admitted to making it up. Is the assumption here that they are lying?

Having an opinion is not hatespeech. Jeez snowflake

LOFL you are so far off in your assessment of me. And nice disanalogy comparing a yellow journalist who sensationalizes headlines to get clicks to people who save lives. Next.

Are you fucking stupid or did you not read the article? She made this shit up because jezebel make it feel good to play the victim.

But I’m a victim! You can’t question me!

Honestly in this case I find your headline just as misleading as the ones you’re complaining about.

Other media outlets have reported that she confessed to the polices that she fabricated the story. They suspected as much with her inconsistent statements regarding the claimed assault. As such, she is now being charged for filing that false report. It sounds like she just wanted attention; she got it.

taking whatever skepticism you want from this, some news reports state the police say she admitted to fabricating the story.

While I can’t even pretend to know the truth in this case, neither can anyone else who isn’t directly associated with the case. Therefore, I find the title of this article misleading and biased and the article full of logical fallacies like post hoc ergo propter hoc assuming that because Trump was elected that people

This is absolute madness!