Five Times Longer

Yeah, you gotta look at the bright side: no Harry 'Snapper' Organs, no persistent cries of 'What's all this then?"

I'm not sure what the reviewer thinks is the right reaction to rape.

I love Leisure and have never owned another Blur record. I'll go get the blindfold.

LOL Aren't you the doofus who tried upthread to explain your position by treating an instance where the Patriots followed the rules (i.e., the formations against the Ravens) as if it were evidence of their being cheaters? Sure, but *Patriots fans* are the biased ones …

No diggity. New Cheatahs is good Cheatahs, was more suggesting other outlets for people wanting to hear more of their stuff.

I can't remember the last guitar rock band I liked this much. It might have been the Pumpkins when Gish came out. The vocals are weirdly low in the mix at times; I tend to like the sound on their recent four live-performance videos better, which bodes well for seeing them live next month. I do think the highs on their

Please supply me with those acts' names, because I love these guys.