but when the potato salad tastes as bland as Rolling Stone’s, are we really surprised?
but when the potato salad tastes as bland as Rolling Stone’s, are we really surprised?
If the radio broadcast simply avoided mentioning the score, you would swear the Skins are always winning by two TD’s.
Time was everyone thought the same way about Vick
Dude, this is JIM ZORN we are talking about. As a skins fan, I’ve lived through more ridiculous play calling than I can possibly recall, but this was one I’ll never forget.
He wouldn’t have gotten drilled if he just handed the ball off to someone (the gunner) who’s job is actually handling the ball on occasion.
I prefer the blatant trolling myself. A woman I used to work with always had things to say about “those people”, so I would just wind her up and she would be spouting all kinds of “scientific evidence”, “studies show” etc... To be clear, she was a well-rounded conservative bigot: she had all the advice for me when she…
“Do you take prisoners, like Jared?”
I would focus on doing things that make advertisers nervous.
So, how do we make this work? Got a plan?
If anything I am frustrated over FIFA’s inept and tone-deaf program to eradicate racism in their sport. They need to make it hurt.
The issue is that fan hooliganism doesn’t have any repercussions for the home side. In fact, if England will walk off when and if the fans start some offensive racist shit, that will only encourage the fans to behave even worse. I think it’s naive to think that England’s show of solidarity will change the views of…
England walking off the pitch won’t make 50k drunken racist Bulgarians any less drunk or racist, even if its the right thing to do.
Ok, so the world revolves around a guy madly tweeting whilst sitting on the crapper with his pants around his ankles.
If I was summoned for a 5AM meeting I knew I was going to be fired at, I would have taken my sweet time getting there: sleep in, take a bath, maybe a mani-pedi, stop at Anita’s for a sack of breakfast burritos and a cup of coffee, and stroll in around 10:45. What, they going to fire me harder?
If I was summoned for a 5AM meeting I knew I was going to be fired at, I would have taken my sweet time getting there: sleep in, take a bath, maybe a mani-pedi, stop at Anita’s for a sack of breakfast burritos and a cup of coffee, and stroll in around 10:45. What, they going to fire me harder?
The more we learn about how Trump wants to defend our southern border, the more he makes the US look like Mordor.
I guess they found out too late that Bannon’s alt-right sleepaway camp had been shuttered, and were stuck with the plane tickets.
Because when Ian was here, he was a nice guy and fun to root for, even though he wasn’t any more than maybe a slightly above-average player. When he left, we missed him.
Because when Ian was here, he was a nice guy and fun to root for, even though he wasn’t any more than maybe a slightly above-average player. When he left, we missed him.
My kid’s youth travel team (he’s 9, I know, I know) rotates a couple keepers in the first half, and my son plays keeper in the second half. The first half kids are a little shy about contact with the ball, so there is a bunch of ducking and running and hiding, and making spectacular “saves” while cowering way back in…