
I could care less.  Where is my McRib??!?!?

“Jesus Loves a Prenup

Ivanka: “Just think honey, Daddy’s blood is like pudding, all we need to do is wait a little longer, and you know, Daddy’s leaving the White House to me anyways.”

Dems could run Grover Cleveland, same result

Frederick Douglass told him the Ayatollah was a good guy, but does he listen?

Jara wasn’t flopping, he just wanted to get a whiff while it was still fresh.

It’s like going to the funeral to make sure they are dead.

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I love me some FP Santangelo.  But seriously, the defects in Bryce’s game were something we always saw in DC, but avoided looking too closely at cuz he was the only superstar we had. Still, I had no idea his debut in Philly was going to be such a clown show.

Nice seal, good suction, that’s a well-honed technique right there.

I just want to know if he’s afraid of flying and will be taking Amtrak to Detroit.

Replay ruins everything. I just wish we could all go back to playing the game as it was meant to be played. In my day, when you hit a double, you were happy with what you got. Ball to the wall or in the gap, you knew you earned those two bases. Nowadays, these kids just want more of everything and expect things like

a full one at that

This guy is the herpes of the GOP.

That the pyramids of Egypt were for storing grain was a hot take he never recovered from.

Look, the DOJ on the whole does good work, but I can only imagine getting the short straw in the office to go to court and defend some ridiculous inhumane policy (pick one) and thinking “welp, I’m fucked, nice career while it lasted.

It’s only reviewable if the ref looks up at the Jumbotron and sees how bad he fucked up.

Seen this before

I have way more fun watching games televised in Spanish, even though I don’t speak a lick of it. The obvious excitement of the announcers is contagious.

Look’s like the Lakers have hired the Redskin’s GM Bruce Allen* as one of the capologists.