haha, even Ricky and Julian never stole a driveway, just made one out of hash. And I guess they took a bit of furniture down to the end of someone's driveway, but if it's at the end of the driveway, it's trash.
haha, even Ricky and Julian never stole a driveway, just made one out of hash. And I guess they took a bit of furniture down to the end of someone's driveway, but if it's at the end of the driveway, it's trash.
As we'd always say.. "What does a 400 hp supra and a 1000 hp supra have in common? They both run 11's." Well I guess this car was the exception. She'll get a nice check from the insurance company and build another one. I could only imagine losing my car, but if I did, I'd have another one in a matter of days.
Not with those shitty tires, that's why I fried them off.
Ouch. Well I just shit this thing together, I'll admit it wasn't the best, but if you check out my channel, you can see that my editing skills have improved over the past year.
Thanks for posting Raphael, I feel honored to have two videos featured on Jalopnik.
Well considering I got a job making 50k a year, and these tires were my old autocross tires, it wasn't too bad of a deal.
I agree with most of this except for the drinking part. Honestly, it's not that fun unless you've had a few drinks or a couple of hits, or both.
GM is going to need another bail out in a couple years or so. And It's not even that they make bad products, they just don't have a clue when it comes to marketing their vehicles or lineups.
Well considering how competitive NASCAR is, it's not much of a surprise. He even drove for RCR, and had a couple of wins, but that was the extent of it, after 20 years in the sport.
If you think you hate them, try working as a quick lube tech at a dealership. You spend 3/4 of your day messing with these damn monitors, from tires that have slow leaks, to sensors that are messed up. It seemed like I was always trying to reset them, or recalibrate them to get them to work right, even after all the…
Very true, it has temporarily ruined the good used car market. All the good 3-5,000 cars are now 6-8,000 cars, and all the cars that are 3,000 now all have over 200,000 miles or have serious issues.
I found this article to be pretty accurate except for the fact that the wind noise seemed to be way less than I expected, and the ride was much better than expected as well. I was driving a very similar truck, but a 16 foot e350 with 25,000 miles on it. Those 6.8 V10's really suck the gas, especially with the attached…
What a whiny little bitch. How many fucking tweets do you need to make about the same thing?
Agreed, I think it was one of my favorite movies I had seen this past year. It may have not been one of the best, but it was FAR from one of the worst.
I agree 100%. I had the throttle stick wide open on a 454 suburban, and even it's shitty brakes managed to bring it to a stop.
Mustang GT. Mine has over 200,000 miles and I've drag raced it 500+ times, learned to drive a manual on it, and did a bunch of dumb shit in highschool and it's still running strong.
Seemed to get pretty good traction compared to my Mustang in the snow.
Same here. got suckered again.
"Thx in advanced." Apparently this guy isn't the brightest. Can't spell and isn't smart enough to realize trailers get stolen all the damn time and if you have a car worth that much, maybe put it somewhere safe.
and that ugly fish looking Ferrari won't be popular anywhere.