
That sounds like a helluva lot of fun, kind of like the Ford 500 that had a Ford GT drivetrain in it.

Yeah, I agree with that. That's why I like my Mustang too, it's kinda fun. However, the 63 Split window vette probably does it best, with the dash that looks like it came straight out of a plane.

Yeah that wasn't really worthy of hoon of the day.

They are AWD so they don't burn the tires off unless you have 600+ HP on tap

Keep in mind that the 4.6 in the CVPI had less power than 4.6's in other Fords. The CVPI had 215 HP and Mustang GT had 260.. then the CVPI got 250 hp and the GT 300. Ford just didn't want to give the cops anymore power.

Isn't it a choice between the RS and SS models? The LS is the engine. Oh and btw, SEMA starts tomorrow.

You'd think for how much they charge for shit they'd be able to make a cooler video with better cameras.

The 5.4 is not a pushrod engine. Sorry.

haha what a great print screen! I love how all of Lahey's cars lose their roofs at some point.

No one. Good luck proving it was their fault. A tow truck company ruined the hook mounts on my Mustang, but I had no proof it was them so I was screwed.

First the Explorer was ruined, and now the Pathfinder. The world really is going to end this year.

Taurus looked cooler before they put all that bull shit on it.

Thats exactly what I thought..

But don't be like my ex and put five bucks in each time you go somewhere.. all those extra trips to the gas station don't help, along with the risk of running out, and then when it's low there's a better chance for condensation to form in the tank.

I have heard this is true in multiple cases as well, my friend only runs premium in his Expedition because it gets better mileage with it

yeah, but my car might be better in the snow.. its a toss up

These were all mustangs that were used for R and D testing and were going the crusher anyways.. I only know this because I'm "friends" with him on Facebook.

Fox bodies may not have the nicest interiors, but they are far from "horrible build quality" and what I've learned from experience, is that girls like cars that put them back in the seat.

Now playing

Cool car, but weak burnout. My 200,000 Mustang GT can do better.

That would be nice. Along with all the slow Subaru drivers that are everywhere and some dispensaries. And if they were going to actually make it realistic, they'd have Priuses driving everywhere, not Nissan Leafs.