
they're crap to douche bags who drive and can afford BMW's.. trust me, Ive driven a bunch of Mustangs and BMW's, and yes, BMW's are nicer, but they're a pain in the ass to work on, and expensive as hell to fix.

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Did that yesterday.. but it didn't kill it.. even after about 10 tries.

i just glanced at the picture.. i guess she isn't that great after all.

me too.. i also wouldn't mind that girl in the dress..

HAHAHAHA SIU complaining about lack of technology? They are one of our rival schools, and probably had better technology in the early 2000's than our university has today. And i'm not kidding.. its a joke. we have 2 lifts for 70 students.

That would be awesome! Unfortunately, our school can't even get enough funds together to put tires on our chevelle project, while the football team just got a new 4 million dollar stadium and a new workout center.

Why? Because college kids trash the shit out of stuff. Especially FREE cars that are handed to them. How do I know this? I'm in college, and all the kids who got free cars abuse the hell of of them, and fail to maintain them.

There ya go! Have one really rowdy project, then 2 reliable ones! I guess i'll take a page of your book one i'm older and have kids..

Damn it, you beat me to it.. after I just posted haha

Apparently Jason has never seen "Bering sea gold"??

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Can haul 9 people, a ton of gear,tow a trailer, and haul ass all at the same time

Nice rides man!! I need to work on my lifted F150 on 33's gets horrible mileage,and my mustang has a rowdy cam which shakes the car like a trailer home with an off-balance dryer running inside.

I know, when i was 15, I almost bought a total POS with a 347 stroker but luckily my parents stopped me.

Foxbody anyone? Yes! Foxbodies may have not been styled for everyone, but they are hardly the worst mustang re-design.. maybe it's because i was born in the late 80's...

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i'll never sell my baby.. this way i won't have to stop doing burnouts to celebrate holidays.

How about this? DON'T FUCK WITH IT! The more technologies we get, the stupider society gets. It's hilarious, we have more safety systems than ever and people have less of an idea how to drive than ever. How many people confused the pedals back in 1950? Hmmmm

me too. I always thought it would be nice to drive around in the morning, screw around all day, then work from 3-5 then go home.

I remember tha video! Haha i think all of those cars were his old latemodels and stuff thought, i didn't really remember seeing any cup cars behind him.