Giving her a couple of orgasms usually never hurts...
Giving her a couple of orgasms usually never hurts...
Gotcha, I guess I wasn't doing too well in the think'n department tonight.
Which does help out a lot, but with all those F150s and Expo's, it's gonna be hard to find the exact one.
I work at a dealership, I've seen Toyotas broken at 40,000 miles and Chevys with 300,000 on them. It all depends. There are so many factors that can cause a car to break down, or run forever.
favorite line in the article "But Toyota still runs those Prius C "LIFE" ads so they seem to have a high tolerance for annoying, confusing, and unsuccessful crap."
I saw this on TV a few weeks ago. On the same episode there was a kid who was in a relationship with a mid 90's Monte Carlo named "chase" which he kissed, made love to, and bought presents for. You should have seen the look on his dad's face when he told him he was in a long term relationship w his car haha.. so this…
I'm not sure, seems to be enough for me to be happy.
Cool, they narrowed it down to only 97-03 F150 XL and XLT's. Now all they have to do is figure which of the 5 million trucks out there has a busted grille.
@ Br1zon: Some Hondas have stupid little phillips screws in the rotors that screw them to the hub.. and they always strip out.. stupid ass design.
Exactly what I was going to say.
Sounds similar to an experience my Turkish friend has with his 325i. One problem after another, and then the same continuous problem, that they said they fixed 3 times, yet it still leaked like crazy. I'll never own a German car.
Not as fast, but a better video than the other 2.
How quickly we forget..
a 1993 Town Car. 375 bucks.. needed alot of work. put a fuel pump in it, and got it running, and then sold it for about 500.. then there's the 96 Saturn SC2 I got in August for $500, then sold for $1000 in September
Wildly out of balance? how much weed are you planning on bringing? wheels will balance out on our machine within an ounce or two.. that's alot of weed.
The cops should have given him a high five for the burnout, and a ticket for those gay projector headlights.
It does snow there.. I was driving through NM on friday from co to arizona, and was stuck in whiteout conditions for almost an hour around Raton, NM.
haha thats great.. im actually headed to lake havasu city right now as a matter of fact for spring break..they also have a street named "smoke tree ave"
5 good things about high gas prices:
Damn i guess i guess i looked at it too quickly.. well i love silver sn95's but mine's white so maybe thats why im so partial to it lol