
Then again, i've seen alot of junk VW's that have 55k on em and are toast. My friend's Jetta to be specific. Also, nothing better than the plastic rollers they use for the timing belt..

My 90 F150 with 33's and a V8 doesn't do so well either.. the tires drone like mad, the exhaust is loud, and it gets 10 mpg.. but i love it anyway.

The 2 valve isn't a heaping pile of shit. Sure, it doesn't have the power, technology or fuel economy of the 4 valve, but they are great engines. Mine has over 200k on it, and the majority of taxi's and stuff have 300+k on theirs.

He's a douchebag. I met him in person, and he's exactly like you'd picture him to be. He's really not that genuine, nice guy you think he is.. or at least it seemed to me.

That's some pure ignorance. There's tons of American vehicles with over 200,000 miles on them..

Well the thing is, you can't get BAKED. That's what really slows you down. But if you only have a couple of tokes its not as bad. I check my mirrors way more often, and give myself extra room to react if I need it.

I agree that some people shouldn't drive stoned. However, for others, it can help them. When I am sober, I am aggressive, get pissed off easily, race to make yellow lights, floor it around slow drivers etc. When I am stoned, I am more aware and paranoid of how easily I can crash, so I drive slower, stay further behind

Someone had to.

At least youll be able to see out the back and sides of the GT500.. and you know the rear end will be able to handle the power.

Now playing

This foxbody made over 1100 to the wheels and is built and driven by a college student at the School of Mines. On the first dyno run, the battery charger was hooked up, and it blew it back and off the car during the pull.. also shook some pictures off the wall.. awesome!

Don't get caught.

I'll have to try one out.


However, i guess it is better than a regular auto.. but if im gonna own an auto, its gonna be an old school one with a manual valve body.

yeah i haven't found one that i've liked yet to be honest, and i've driven one from almost every manufacturer. It just doesn't beat a full manual, except maybe in stop and go traffic. i just hate that basically you're just another input to the computer, instead of actually controlling the trans yourself.

This computer controlled BS sucks. This is a perfect example. How about your put a regular manual in it? I don't get the fascination with all these new paddle shift systems. They aren't fun, and they don't feel authentic... its like playing a video game. Just because we CAN make it, doesn't necessarily mean we should.

Now playing

Yup, heres a vid of me having some fun in my mustang

exactly what i was thinking

i agree, i love my 97 GT, especially now that it's got a lot of after market parts.. ive driven plenty of 97 camaros, and they feel like such piles of shit, even with only 40k or so,the interior is from some playskool gym, and they rattle and shake and feel like an older kia. my gt has 193,000 miles, and it's still

I hate to say it, but 99% of subaru drivers are ricey douchebags, lesbians, or hipsters. At least where I live, and I know this, because I work at a GM/ Subaru dealership.