
oh, that's right. FAIL. I guess i'll have to get my newer CV on craig'slist.

Terrible narrating.. she's struggling to read the script like english is her second language

Also, here is a link of a CSP officer driving a MARKED UNIT while drunk. Happened last year.

Yeah, and that cop from Denver is hoping that the police force glosses over his previous incidents as well.

How is it any different than tobacco? The same laws should be in place as for tobacco. And Cannabis is less harmful than tobacco, yet we used to smoke it inside while eating dinner?

Why? They still made 2011 Model year CV's

What a fucking scum bag. I remember hearing about this story, and being surprised. I mean i shouldn't surprised, in the little shithole that I go to school in, Pueblo, CO, a cop was doing over 100 mph in a 40 and rolled his car 4 times.. also while drunk.

Even with no brakes, its still a much better car than the shitbox Aveo.

I'm not sure what new car would be good. None of em probably. You get one hit, then the fuel pump gets shut off, the computer freaks out, and it's gonna be a bad demo derby.

Do you mean the DTS? Also, those impalas had a 3.5 L or a 3.9 L or the optional 5.3 DOD. Unless your referring to the older Impalas, then you're correct.

Yeah, that is pretty sad. My german exchange student friends were constantly commenting on how cheap everything is here. We drove 20 miles out of the way to go to Denny's, and their comment was "Who cares, gas is so cheap over here"

I agree. My GF saw em live and was all about AWOLNATION, but I listened to most of the songs, and I can see why that's the only one that's popular. 1 hit wonder.

I was just about to post the exact same thing. If that video was shot in America, that'd be 2/3's of the Mazdas in the us in one video.

Such an incredibly ignorant comment. But that's alright, I know you're wrong, and so does my 198,000 mile Mustang GT. However, my gf's nightmare of a VW Turbo Beetle agrees with your ignorance of thinking German cars are better.

It's probably just not meant to do 140 mph.. i mean it's a V6 mustang, aren't 16 year old girls supposed to buy em? Notice how there's no problems with the driveshafts on the GT's? Just trans troubles..

well.. that went downhill about as quickly as Obama's approval rating..

We played pididdle differently.. we did the headlight thing too, but it was for every time the light in front of us turned yellow, the last person to hit the ceiling would take something off. Then, once your totally naked, you can run around the car, and for every lap you do, you get something back.. really fun game..

I didn't even know the 9-2 existed to be honest.. pretty good looking car though, much better looking than the Subaru version. Also, the 9-7 is a pretty decent vehicle, alot nicer looking and feeling than the Trailblazer, but they don't try hard to hide it.. you open up the hood, and there's a big GM Performance Badge

Boy, am i getting sick of this song.. i think it's been on 5 of the 7 most recent videos i've watched.

one more try