FivePoint - Saabin' around

I’m over on the other side of prospect from you, but I found my spot first using parkopedia (very useful, or at least it used to be) and then calling the number on a building near me that advertised spaces available in a lot. turns out it was run by a management company and they had a bunch of lots around:

Proofread before publishing.

Most unbelievably bullshit distorted headline ever. Shame on you.

Can’t disagree with you there.

This state and our leadership are an absolute disgrace.

It’s just part of their American dream - the house with the white dicket fence.

....You realize you posted this comment on a website dedicated to reporting the news to the exact type of people who would open such a garage, right?

Serious question, who the hell buys middle grade gas..I believe it’s 89 octane?

lol. I’ll defer to your expertise in “cucks.”

Yep, we just bought a 2016 BMW for 45% off of the original purchase price. That being said, I think the car makers/sellers are in trouble, and I’d guess that waiting will result in even better deals in 6 months+.

This is so right if this was Queens Blvd and Union Trnpk it would’ve only made the local news.

Only someone who’s never been to NY would jump to the conclusion that this was terrorism. First of all, there’s enough large trucks on the streets at all times that if it WAS terrorism, they’d use something like that, not a generic sedan. Second, people drive like idiots in the city. Some of them are also drunk

Camoflauging themselves as Hondas now.

Hi, I’m a Jalop in NYC. It’s hard enough keeping a car anyway, with shitty parking options, people scuffing up your door handles and bumpers, parking tickets up the ass, and insurance fucking sky-high. Sometimes we need to take jobs and make moves to cities to get on with our careers, even if only for a time. We put

I’m assuming there would be a team of rats, with a slice of Lombardi’s, co-piloting these cars.

No it’s more like. “well you used up a a lot of your battery’s ability to fast charge. We are going to throttle to keep you from destroying your battery.”

I don’t get the fuss. The NYPD has been using Fusion Hybrids for several years now. What’s the difference?

Actually I’m well over my quota for the week, but I figured this would be a fun little post for the weekend. Sorry you had to suffer through it.

*raises hand* That’d be us. So Cal is really strict with water runoff, and our condo complex even moreso. Costs us about 25$ every 2 weeks to take our car to the car wash. Ours isn’t like this though—you actually give them your keys and they run it through a tunnel with water and then they do the hand washing/buffing