
Look, I’ve spent too much time explaining the sunk cost fallacy to people to stop doing it now.

I get it, I hate the Lakers as much as anyone else, but if somebody gives you a signed Kareem jersey, you gotta hang that one up. I’m assuming the worst case situation is somebody sees it in your house and is like “oh, are you a Lakers fan?” and you simply say “No, I actually do not like them at all. This was a gift

Please settle a debate: Is Back to the Future a sci-fi movie?

Co signed:

But then his potential paramours would have to weigh his shooting of a black teenager (good!) against him being mixed race (bad!) which comes via an white father of German descent (good!) and a Peruvian mother who herself has an Afro-Peruvian mother (bad!). And he is a little... swarthy (bad!), plus “Zimmerman”

...and then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

It spends a lot of money on micro-transactions.

[Rob Thomas looks at the score]

Almost all MLS games are carried on ESPN+ and that’s $5 a month for what it’s worth. For once Billy is right about something though. Greed is stunting the game here.

I thought you meant a local massage spa.

You’re trying to bait the writer in the comments, that’s a bigger waste of time than it took for him to write this article. You should try exercising every time you want to troll, you’ll end up healthier physically AND mentally.

City Slickers was definitely my favorite Crystal Palance matchup.

Fuck the Sun

Can you please stop calling them the Pool Boys?  You’re such a good writer otherwise.

For the last two months, Mané has been the best player wearing the Liverpool red.

Please, please, please....I beg of you...stop with the “Pool Boys”crap.

To help Trippier feel not so bad about what happened Harry Kane has claimed the own goal as his.

Not nearly as twitchy as most are with pretentious insignificance.

What kind of good God would breathe life into such a creation?