
New Orleans media (I just heard it on WWNO) is now reporting that the cop who posted this originally, as well as one who +liked the post, have both been fired from Gretna PD.

My wife and I traveled to a wedding a few years back and the girl across the hall was very much enjoying her partner. My wife was about seven months pregnant and so constantly exhausted that she slept through all of it save one part: “you drunk idiot, you just put it in my ass!” I was happy that we got to share that

I took my daughter to a couple Breakers games back when we lived up there, and it seemed to me that they were doing a pretty decent job of working within their means at the time - 2015, I think? I was sad to see them fold.

I mean, why not?!

Yeah, as I replied to HolaFriend a minute ago, you’re not wrong. More response in that other post. :)

That is a fair point, as Jona’s run did come in from the midfield. In re-reading my comment, I’m not sure if I overlooked that or if I was including Bradley in that as the guy operating as the CDM. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

For me, Arriola might have been the best player on the pitch for the Americans last night. He had some really great turns on the ball, massive work ethic, and he played with a lot of emotion, just on the edge of taking it too far. I was really happy with his play.

I disagree that the goal, while high quality, was one at which you would simply shrug your shoulders; the US defense, while they did a good job overall last night, was in a shambles for the three or four possessions leading up to the goal. They were getting pulled out of shape repeatedly, and that shape breakdown and

Understood, I apologize for the poor word choice. Also for the fact that I screwed up my timeline, I thought that the issues came to light after the ‘15 WC, not before. I totally understand where you were coming from now.

I’m not really sure what you’re getting at, to be honest. From what I recall, Ellis didn’t actually get rid of Solo, US Soccer did for a year, and then Ellis simply refused to call her back up. This is speculation, but I think a big part of the reason Ellis never called her back up after Solo’s suspension was over was

While completely forgetting that Solo is an accused domestic abuser.

I think it was the relatively-high heat that was really getting Italy yesterday, combined with their apparent lack of bench depth that was getting to Bonansea. She hasn’t had much of a break across a schedule that is far more rough than her league season, and they’d already lost one of their front three to an early

Send this in via an email for Dead Letters and maybe the pissbaby can be you!

I was at the draft when Greg Oden got drafted, and I ended up chatting with him for a couple minutes after the fact. Seeing what happened to him after that was rough, he was such a nice (clearly fifty-year-old) kid.

His best first touch was the one off his face.

I appreciate the well-thought-out response, it’s clear that you have given it a lot of thought. I have to admit that my idea of it is probably colored by my own experiences; while the academy route wasn’t really in existence 30 years ago as it is now, my parents were very anti-club travel teams when I was my

My daughter is at the threshold in our town where we have to decide between keeping her recreational or trying to send her the academy route. It was never even a discussion in our family, an eight year old does not need to be doing that, period.

There is no doubt missing the WC hurt the men’s team financially, but I still see most of their friendlies on mainstream cable even when not in a WC cycle. I don’t often see the women’s team outside of the WC.

I still use Google Photos for photo albums I want to share with people who are not my Facebook friends. For a long time, I even used the Picasa RSS feeds to syndicate the photo albums to my own website so that people wouldn’t even need to go to Google. Even though they killed the RSS feature a while back, Google