
Sporting are also the weakest of the five MLS sides in the tournament this year, to be fair, even given Vancouver’s terrible form so far this season. No MLS club besides SKC have taken a loss so far, and it pains me to say that as a Sporting fan since before the rebrand.

This is not to say anything about Liga MX, which

It’s not a mechanic in the game, he’s referring just to the plot device of Tellah using Meteo. I think the point would be better made if it weren’t forced into the confusing context of a gameplay mechanic.

I feel like I’ve heard Distant Worlds do “The Rebel Army” before, but I might be imagining that. It wasn’t in the setlist when I saw their Boston show last year, and I don’t think it’s on their albums. This is excellent, though.

Several years ago, we did a “Best FF Music” bracket over at my site, and we explicitly

I haven’t played that version all the way to the end, but it should let you switch party members as it’s a port of the GBA version.

Now playing

I should also mention that along with an argument for being the best soundtrack, FF4 also spawned the best “different” arrangement album from the series, Celtic Moon.

Having played virtually all of the versions to some degree, I vote for the PSP version as the best. It’s got the GBA content but with an art style that I think is fresher than the original sprites (and not in the godawful way that the mobile/Steam versions of FF5 and FF6 change it up).

And also a really good album; good enough that as a native Illinoisan I ignored the bad pun in the title!

You don’t often get a Piss Christ reference on Kinja. +1.

Finally, an excuse as to why my site’s videos don’t get views!

Keep that thing on the Missouri side of Kansas City, for the love of god.

Kinda like Ness from Super Smash Bros.

I would have loved to have seen this at my daughter’s last dance school. She’s only four, so I’m not sure they would have done something like this, but she’s dressed as only two princesses in her short life:

Thanks for coming to say this, I was on the way to do it too. MLS’s site keeps getting worse with every new iteration, but ESPN is completely useless when it comes to MLS.

Makes me glad that I upgraded three of my five Windows machines by choice, I guess. Only problem I had with any of them was that my wife’s ultrabook didn’t have enough space on its internal flash memory to manage it without some cleverness. (If anyone’s wondering, the other two I have in my home are corporate machines

Was JUST about to type that. The one time I can use vocabulary for good, and I’m beaten to it!

The only way I can picture that is like the scene before the fight in Good Will Hunting, when the guys just sit up in the stands at a Little League game.

* argues against painting Kotaku commenters all with the same brush *

Full disclosure, I’m good friends with the developer of Sonic 3 Complete, and have contributed to the project in very minor ways. But if you like Sonic, I strongly suggest checking that out. It’s really well done.

I was able to get 13 for $15 about eight months after it was released, and it’s been by miles the best bang for the buck in any Final Fantasy game for me save Tactics. I’ve got over a hundred hours in my main XIII save and loved it.

Totally get why you’re playing the games on their original systems, but I want to call out here for those who haven’t played it before: If you can play the PSP or mobile version, there’s a very good chance you will enjoy it more. It smooths out the rough edges from a thirty year old game’s mechanics and looks great.