This is true. I’m a sour Leafs fan, and before they made the call they called me and asked what I thought. I said I thought it was a goal, but clearly those in the room are more sour than I.
This is true. I’m a sour Leafs fan, and before they made the call they called me and asked what I thought. I said I thought it was a goal, but clearly those in the room are more sour than I.
This is the most Jalop post in this thread.
Lacrosse is like watching the slowest, least-talented game of hockey imaginable.
The good news is a minimum of 40% of the Canadian teams will be eliminated in the first round
This is a great example of the free market handling “government business” better than the government.
that should be brodcast outside electric cars for blind pedestrians
So, you could say Chevy's points have been recalled?