Stygian Blue

I am so confused by this, since my Corgi will eat ANY food I put in front of her, as quickly as possible. Like I have to put her kibble in a Kong, because otherwise she eats her dinner in less than 25 seconds.

I used to travel a lot for a previous job. Like 2-3 weeks a month. (I used to wake up in the middle of the night and have to spend a couple minutes remembering what time zone I was in.)

Corgis prefer muscle cars. As proof, I give you Lugnut the Corgi. Look how happy she is next to that hunk of American Iron.

Hey, this is a great idea. My wife has said for the past couple months she was thinking about seeing a personal trainer one-on-one to jump start her exercise program, but she never gets herself anything. So I got her 12 sessions with a personal trainer. It’s a useful gift that she’ll actually want, and it won’t add to

I’ve always wanted to restore a ‘71 Mustang, but after reading this article, I really wonder if I should restore my dad’s dream car: a Pontiac GTO Judge.

This is some good journalism. Bravo.

How long do you broil it for first? I need more detailed instructions; the extent of my cooking prowess is microwaving soup.

Great link; thank you!

The 5.0 in my Mustang would like to have a word with you.

...And the new Fusion Sport, which is a 2nd-gen Fusion with what amounts to a Ford F150's twin-turbo 2.7L V6.

No, it’s not deadly in the First World. But it can cause permanent damage. I had Scarlet Fever when I was 3 years old, and it permanently damaged my hearing and inner ears. I have poor balance and get motion sick WAY to easily.

Where is this Traffic Light Paradise?!

As someone who used to do network engineering for one of those scummy service providers, those IF statements are almost certain to become WILL.

There is a serious shortage of blue-collar labor in the US. I’ve talked to HVAC guys who can’t find enough people to work for them, because Millenials were told their whole lives that blue-collar work is beneath them and they need to go to college by their idiot Baby-Boomer parents.

Because health insurance only works if you have multiple people paying into the “pool” so the insurance company can hedge their bets against losses (unhealthy people). In your example, only unhealthy people would buy health insurance, thus the health insurance companies would go out of business, because they would all

No, I spend enough time in the office; I shouldn’t be forced to socialize with you when I’m not getting paid to.

You must work for my wife’s company, which on her 2nd anniversary, awarded her with 10 total days off per calendar year (as opposed to 5).

I said it in another comment, too. Underground 2 was peak NFS.

That game sounds frustrating as all get out.