Stygian Blue

Yeah, everyone says that after the fact. But NO ONE in a relationship wants to hear about how much their significant other is a waste of DNA. This is especially true if abuse (phyiscal and/or emotional) is involved, because the abused doesn’t want to admit to himself that he is abused.

This guy gets it.

My best friend married an absolute loser. I told him that she was a loser; he ignored me and married her anyway. He was pissed at me for months, until they divorced, then he was my friend again. And now he married ANOTHER loser.

The delta in prices aroundhere is less than 5 cents a gallon on regular, but can be upwards of 30 cents on premium (which 2 of my 3 cars crave).

Came here to say this. I took Maryland’s HQL (Handgun Qualification Course) and learned a ton about my state’s laws.

It’s basically a culture war thing. Old white guys in muscle cars fits in with Ocean City’s desired “image;” young guys in flashy imports does not.

That was depressing enough to be made into a country song.

My mother bought a ‘98 Monte Carlo Z34 brand new. It was such a boring car that I completely forgot about her owning it until reading this article.

Dang. I was saving my money to build a gaming computer just for this game. But my real car needs a suspension rebuild, so I guess I’ll be saving a bit longer. :-/

What is the point of allocations? If a customer is willing to pay for a product, why wouldn’t you just build it for them?

...and another patron who shared stories about his chihuahua that, he swore, literally eats cash.

I would argue that you don’t need a cop 24/7 to stop speeding in a particular area. You put a cop there during the busiest times of day for a couple days in a row, and people stop speeding after enough of them see the cop and a couple get tickets. Then you put the cop in the next problem area, and so on.

Have an intersection that people keep running red lights on? Put a cop there at random times instead of destroying that thing called “due process.”

Oh, I don’t know. Random speed traps by real, human cops? You know, the way things used to work?

WTF is a “Nyancat” anyway?

“Helicopters don’t fly. They’re so ugly that the earth repels them.”

Does Jezebel have a comment of the day? Because this is COTD material.

Oh, that sounds like a fascinating read. I’m adding it to my reading list!

Get a Corgi! Look how adorable they are! And they’re great with kids!

OMG, is today Monday? Because that was a mistake of Monday proportions.