I also understeered one of them into a curb at 45mph and busted up the wheels a few months before the DWI incident
I also understeered one of them into a curb at 45mph and busted up the wheels a few months before the DWI incident
I totaled both of my parents 95 grand am’s one by off-roading until frame damage and one because I was an idiot and got behind the wheel drunk in high school. Sadly they were dropped from their insurance due to me, because they had already totaled 2 other grand ams 6 months after buying them when they flooded in our…
This is basically me over the last few years, started off with “just want to save $10k and get a abused 335i or e46 M3" and since have fancied everything, literally everything you can imagine made between yesterday and 1999, unless I’m feeling vintage and then I consider literally everything ever made. I keep telling…
I’m not familiar with the generations or when they came out, I just know I had a 98 rav 4 4 cylinder that I hated, it was soulless and devoid of power to begin with, but then I got in a wreck which pinched a line that eventually killed my transmission and the cheap replacement just never quite restored the car to its…
Isn’t it irritating being a shut-in while trying to be a car person, the two don’t mesh very well, except living vicariously through others online :/
Sometimes with old people especially hate means love lol
Also I came up driving a 95 grand am 4 banger and a 98 Rav 4 4 cylinder POS both of which I despised, so my $5,000 fully loaded Camry solara V6 with “fully loaded” black leather interior and sleek coupe body might as well have been a M6 to me
To be even fairer to the second guy, and although I get money is never just disposable for most of us, having the patience/willpower etc. to wait for 15 years is good for something, I’d have to give him a pass
There used to be a fair number of enthusiasts who were born into the hobby from camry’s, once upon a time I actually was very keen on dropping thousands into a 99 Camry Solara to supercharge/go fast support mods etc and even do a 5 speed swap, all a ludicrous waste of money when I should’ve been just bought a Miata,…
I know this is an old comment so pardon my tardiness if you will but this argument is a bit fallacious in nature, although the carriers love to perpetuate it, the whole “we cant have unlimited anymore because now speeds are so fast it will “clog” the network is complete BS, and demonstrably so. Also i know now that…
Respectfully, you are confused.
This reminds me of the Australian guy who recently spent like the last 10 years working on his “unlimited gears” transmission that had none of the pitfalls of current options, he finally completed it and it got some press and then people began to enlighten him that he hadn't created a transmission at all but a…
Lol who’s side are you on?? Double the pay?
Whore family :)
My dad bought his 2nd Lexus ES350 specifically because it was the only car he found that had cooled vents in the seat not just heating but actual cold air.
No, you're just an idiot. As people have clearly shown in the other comments below the first idiot I replied to, this is quite common and expected.
Not to be a smart ass but did you read the article?
So jealous....what's GT4 MSRP?
Upgrading the PS3 HDD does not void the warranty, if you screw something up while doing so and break it obviously that's another story. Source: Facts. https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/de…