i wish i could copy paste this as a reply to everything from now on
i wish i could copy paste this as a reply to everything from now on
well, the penis mightier than the sword
Leash, I’ve decided at long last to expose you, finally to unburden you of the cloak of propriety and political correctness; to cleanse your palate of the bitter taste of subterfuge.
I’m petitioning to drop the name ‘woMEN’ and call ourselves ‘wombvaginas’ instead
No. Dude, no. Why is that a reason to ignore a game? It’s not. That’s a joke about ridiculous feminists going toon far. Why on earth is this a real article?
I’m shouting into the void because I never get out of the grays... but this is a dumb thing to complain about. Or I’m missing obvious sarcasm.
i just like the word lady because ladies are like princesses
I just use it to store my tampons tbh
without bobby we’d all be lost. he tells us what our opinions are.
Are we being fucking serious right now? The “man” in No Man’s Sky is there because that’s how we’ve always referred to the entire human race. “MANkind.” “huMAN.” Hell, even “woMAN.” “Man” in the name for something doesn’t always mean a “woMAN” is being left out. For fuck’s sake...come down off the cross, use the wood…
But Bobby IS a man mansplaining for us.
Because men are awesome and women don’t explore anything, they just complain about men being fucking amazing all the time.
Is this satirical or are you really trying to pull teeth on the only thing that applied gender in the whole game?
I remember when we used to fly through the galaxy just explorin’
Observing the randomness as we mingled with the weird creatures we’d meet
Good ships we had
Good ships we’ve lost along the grind
In this great galaxy you can’t forget your past, hello frontiers
I say and to the planets we left behind
“Why isn’t it called No Woman’s Sky?”
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