
yeah but bsb 4 lyfe too. I want nyle to win. How is ginger still in??? she’s okay but i dont think she is as good as nyle or as dynamic as wanya!

I LOVED Black Cindy’s arc, and I really wasn’t sure I was going to initially, what it being played as a weird joke over the first few episodes.

Wasn’t it always very loosely based on the novel/real events and mostly used the source material as a Trojan horse to tell stories about people you don’t often see on tv, like non-white and non-straight women?

I think that last season was the best one. I enjoyed that it was relative “antagonist-less” and instead let the characters be each other (and themselves) worst enemy. I also really liked the faith subplot it hard. Especially with Black Cindy and her monologue about Judism. As a atheist who is fascinated by religion,

I’m not sure Yoga’s there for murder - I think it’s for the pot patch. Killing the kid was a genuine accident in the course of protecting her property, and she is, after all, “a nice white lady,” as Gina said. She may not have been charged for that. However, there’d be no hiding the marijuana growing under the

Am I the only one who genuinely enjoyed last season?

And a diverse cast of mostly women characters!! Crave is the best word for it.

Honestly, if they’re going to take some liberties in order to get across some compelling stories about how fucked up the for-profit prison system is to a huge audience that might not otherwise know or give a shit, more power to them.

Apparently I am way more hyped for this than the current season GoT... This series have been golden so far and I just want more. I crave character driven series this good!

Me too!!! She’s been working her butt off and looked so good and I felt so sorry for her. She had such a good energy to her too, even when she was hurt and upset she managed to stay so graceful and sweet!!

All of them have been so much more critical on Keo than anyone else it has infuriated me all season. I really liked him and Jodie I was so upset the went home last night.

Carrie Ann has picked on Keo more than any other pro. And then as I mentioned in the first post, giving Jodie a lower score because Keo made a misstep even though Jodie kept her time but giving Ginger a perfect score despite Val making at least two mistakes. If the celeb’s score can be docked due to a mistake by the

I'm generally Against coed ANTM, but I have to say that I really liked Nyle.

I felt bad for Jodie, someone at the show was out to get her from the beginning. It was just blatantly obvious. And then Carrie Ann’s racism over the last two weeks was just ridiculous. She docked Jodie’s score because Keo made a mistake last week but Jodie didn’t. Then last night she gave Ginger a 10 even though Val

Yeesh, judgmental much? On behalf of the Kaleys of the world:

Wouldn’t it be nice if tax breaks went to companies that donated money to causes like this rather than threatening to up and leave in favor of cheap labor? Oh how I wish money didn’t run the world...

but the parks do need money...

Shouldn’t Ashley Madison get the nod for Old Faithful?

“Also, Rickon was never “captured.” Bran sent him and Osha to the Umbers before crossing the Wall because he thought they’d be loyal to the Stark House”

the captured/raped thing was what king robert, aka the usurper aka lord of the aggrobros, told everybody because he couldn’t fathom her not loving him exclusively