This post with all the shapes, sizes, heights gives me enough to weep over, but Honey Child in the front with the glasses? And red lipstick? She is my new Michele Obama.
This post with all the shapes, sizes, heights gives me enough to weep over, but Honey Child in the front with the glasses? And red lipstick? She is my new Michele Obama.
En Pointe Dance Studio captioned this photo, “The picture speaks for itself.... World we introduce to you... EN…
I think Topher Grace was hired for Spiderman 3 in order to scare Tobey Maguire as being his replacement. But then when it worked they were stuck with having to keep Topher in the movie somehow. (My boyfriend at the time was a huge fan of the Spiderman comics and said Topher’s character should have been super muscular…
My parents were ‘war babies’ (born in ‘42 and ‘43). My dad was a chain smoker who lived off coffee and cigs and worked swing shift work until literally the day he died at 53 years old. There is no fucking *way* I was ever taking up smoking, having been raised by a smoker and seeing him cough like he had TB and have…
Not getting along with a co-star doesn’t make him an asshole; he is awesome to fans and he certainly seems to get along with his former co-stars from Firefly. We don’t know what happened between them to cause the friction.
I can't see Whedon working with him repeatedly if he was an asshole. He always seems to choose his casts based at least partially on who is most fun to have around on set.
Why can’t the problem be her? I’ve heard negative things about her behavior and none about his. Am I missing something that everyone in the thread assumes this is a sign of him being a bad guy? Honestly asking.
Not saying that this is an either/or scenario, but I used to have a friend who worked on Castle and Stana (in his opinion) was not the greatest co-star. Not that she was particularly awful, but maybe just a touch stuck up? He never really spoke to Nathan Fillion, so he could never give like a great assessment of his…
You’re right. It’s not much of a story to say one person felt eight years was enough and another wanted to keep on ‘til they made him stop. “People are different, want different things. News at 11.”
I've met him. He's actually very nice. Nicer than he needed to be under the circumstances, but then, he's Canadian.
I’ve been around him for work events and he’s sort of an over the top goofball in a way that I could see being annoying if you weren’t really in the mood. Ultimately harmless, though! All of his former Firefly cast members love him, too, and I can’t see them faking it this long if there was any bad blood.
Deschenal and Boreanaz are really good friends, and have each other’s backs, but I think that’s a rarity with co-stars.
Katic is the better actor.
I’ve always thought that Fillion was cool - he’s awesome in his public apperances, he’s super open and his former cast-mates love him. If there’s anything negitive going on here I’d be interested to read about it.
It will be interesting to see what next season (which by all accounts will be the last) as a result of this move.
One of the first thing Edwards said he would do once he took office was issue this decree (without the exemptions at the time) so this isn't a matter of him noticing the backlash in other southern states. This is a guy who is actually a decent human being who happens to have won the governorship of a Deep South state.…
It may have to do with orphanages or mental health centers, etc. that are run by a church but are funded by government money and church money. A lot of these set ups were started during the depression because of the financial situation the government couldn’t really fund or run them the way they needed so they would…
Do any of you people understand how the Constitution works?
State (and Federal) governments tend to outsource a lot of functions to non-profit groups, and often those groups are faith-based. The groups aren’t doing religious work, they’re doing things like providing food to the poor, job training and/or placement, etc. Valuable services that coincide with the particular…
They’re discussing state contractors, which includes health care and social service agencies who receive state funds to provide services. From