
It would be bad enough to be told prior to receiving your new truck that it won’t start; can you imagine making arrangements (Uber, friend riding you to pick up the vehicle and dropping you off, like “I’m OK, just gonna grab my new truck and go!”), only to find that in fact, you not only won’t be, but that you have to

Soooo...did the people who had their cars towed get their money back from this fraudulent activity then? (short answer: my guess is they’d have to bring forth litigation, which wouldn’t be worth it, considering the one person said the tow money was their “grocery money for the month”).

PA is the same way.

And they’re more polite.

Yup. a late 80's Mustang is around 2600lbs stock, and I’m sure this one was lightened even further.

I had to look that one up, as I’d never heard of such a thing, let alone seen one.

I love that the seat inserts look like links in a watch bracelet-awesome!

Every time I see those Ioniq 6's, their shape reminds me of shrimp.

Only thing with the Bentley is, they hadn’t changed the basic style of their coupe for forever. I mean, literlly the last 20 years, that car has been the same, with some styling/engine tweaks. These were definitely different for Rolls, not that they were a stranger to enormous coupes, but I think they only made these

I can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to finally see someone say the quiet part out loud...

First they came for my sombreros, and I did not speak out.

The thing I always found interesting about that way of thinking, do you want to work in an auto factory? (spoiler alert: I don’t.) Do any of them actually want to work in an auto factory, or even have a skill set compatible with working at one? Probably not. So...who is going to do all of these “jobs” that

I thought this situation was why a good portion of unused office space since the pandemic hasn’t been turned into housing; when an office building is set up, they don’t build it to have plumbing, heating, etc. for smaller, indiviudal spaces. They do it (usually) per floor, as a company will have a floor or suite of

A “Concrete Shoe Business”, perhaps?

The Drive had a much more in-depth article on it earlier this week. They’re interesting, but if you can afford well over 6 figures for one, may as well get the original one and have the running gear restomodded or upgraded for that kind of money, knowing you’ll get it all back if you revert everything back to original.

Probably one of his next cabinet pics...

“Don’t kill any kids”

I thought I was the only one who remembered the Funkmaster Flex Expedition and thought the same thing, like...they practically handed you that tie-in with the Flex!

Those were the things I’d read about as well; I was looking to move from a full size Bronco (with a 351 no less!) to something else, and while I absolutely loved these and still do, I saw where they weren’t particularly great on gas. Also, they were kind of pricey new and kept their value used; I kept looking for one