
I thought about that too; isn’t the board usually/always made up of the people who live there in the first place? Who would be for that? (well, we know there’s always one, but still...)

Not even that:

If  it’s a “I have unlimited funds” kinda question, then there is no limit to what I’d spend. If it’s a “real world, with your current income/situation/etc.” question, probably not more than $40k. Apart from not needing the newest, fastest, most luxurious, etc., my brian says there is only so much leather, HP or

I look at it as, if someone wants an original one, they’re out there. The V8 swap (to me, in this case) is a plus, as it was far more power than the original V6, plus that 5.0 was in a gazillion Mustangs, so all of the upgrades that can be done to those, can be done to this if so desired, making it that much more of a

While I like these for the oddball aspect and the RotoTop, I can’t understand why no one looked at that front end while this was being designed and said “ya know, we can do better. Like...way better!

I don’t know about a name...but that is a sexy beast!

Dealers wanted to play that “adjusted dealer markup” game on cars, and now they’re surprised that people avoid them more than at 11.

They should have named it the Milhouse, cause that front end...

By “empty” do you mean “without rats”?

While I 100% agree with you, from the article:

Just replacing the top on a Continental will run you anywhere from $10-15k easily, and that’s not inlcuding the windows and windshield, which were damaged according to the article. By the time you’re done with just the repair items (and removing the atrocius wrap), you’re probably close to that $80k range, and you

$699 dealer handling fee”

If you’re only getting between 120-150 miles on a full charge, I hope those trips are super short, cause...

I think I like it because it is so unapologetically over the top. No one watched those movies to see a bone-stock anything, and the work on this appears to be pretty good. If someone wants a stock one, they’re out there for sale. But this is for everyone else.

How much do you want to bet the same people who complain about the economy, price of gas, groceries, etc., are the same ones spending money to (literally) burn on this stuff?

Ironically, someone I know in a car group just bought one (and it was their first Lexus ever). I’d only seen two or three on the roads, but I like them.

I agree, though when the Cadillac Seville came out with the bustle back, I hated that then, and now I like it. I’ve never seen one of these Genesis’ in person (all I see are the SUVs), so I’ll wait til then.

(shrug) could be worse...and yes, that is also a C6 under there, somewhere.

Actually, I had the opposite reaction; the exterior works all the way until you get to the back, then it’s like...wth? Where’s the rest of the car? It almost looks like there is one more white colored piece missing or bumper to be installed, but I think this is supposed to be everything.

Funny how, if this happened in a normal car, you may wind up with no A/C, but you can go about your day with the windows down. But this car? The entire truck shuts down because of that?