
The way they were so insistent about this build, that first initial should stand for “Karen”.


I mean...I could look at a standard Veyron as art, and not have them go through all these machinations to get where they arrived with this (which, had this article not been about how it was made from aluminum, I would have just thought it was another Veyron, so...the effect would have been the same).

I agree; there’s all this hand wringing by the author about the previous ownership of the car...I can recall when someone bid seven MILLION for this, and it STILL didn’t sell (ended up in a museum):

While I admire the creativity involved, from a distance it just reminds me of when this was a fad:

I’ve said that before about these; I’m happy that they exist, and I respect all they’ve done from an automotive/technical standpoint. But if you took their last 4 or 5 cars and put them in a lot and asked me to identify which was which...I’d fail miserably.

...and hating billionaires (are we still doing that, or only certain ones?)

Are you telling me that accidentally driving up on the curb while dropping your kid off at school doesn’t count as “off-roading”? Hmmph!

There are so many flaws in their methodology; for instance:

Meanwhile, the NP or ND V8 convertible today was like $7995 or something, and some people were like ND...I guess they’d rather pay that for a bike instead.

At first I was trying to figure out what he was gesturing at in the pic, then I saw. Damn, it almost looked like it had been in an accident and poorly put back together. Given that Acura itself took that used NSX that was in Iron Man and checked it out before it was filmed and found that the panels and tolerances were

That’s wild, cause if nothing else, I have heard nothing but positives about the Lexus customer experience at dealerships, from the lounges to the treatment.

Both can be easily added at your convenience (I added the roll bar to my 89 GT convertible in an hour), and in fact, you can go with a 6 speed on these instead of the stock 5 speed if you choose to do the swap.

lol, as a 50-something, I have both the Fox-body (89 GT convertible) and this one (96 GT convertible), so both of my bases are covered!

Have the same car, but a 96 triple black. 39.5k miles, all original. It’s weird, cause it doesn’t seem like 225HP is much, but I guess maybe with the gearing that’s in it, when I merge from a dead stop onto the freeway a few miles from my house, it not only will spin the tires if you stomp it, it will pull hard

It isn’t, though my understanding these days is that a lot of people have trouble securing an actual house to begin with, so there’s that.

If enough people didn’t want them at $26,400 new to be able to keep Oldsmobile alive, why is someone paying $24,000 for one now? Last edition (ok...), 86 miles (which you have to keep at double digits to even have some semblance of value, so you can’t really drive it), not really eye-catching car...I mean, if someone

I mean...

I always thought it was meaningful in the respect of merging onto a freeway from a dead stop. You may want to know how quickly you can do so in a Geo Metro (answer...eventually) vs. a Mustang (NOW...unless you bounce off a wall first). But I don’t think it is the be-all, end-all of a car.

They left out: