
Why did I not know about this?

Agreed, but on this site, they act like any car that remotely has any kind of a sporting pretense is purchased with the sole purpose of autocrossing it or getting some high 0-60 time, so if it can’t compete with a Miata or a Vette, then it’s worthless. Meanwhile...maybe people just buy a car cause they like that car,

Spoiler alert: it’s only fun if you drive it naked.

OG Viper: “mash the pedal and I will kill you.”

Nice Price or Golf Cart Price?

Well, if they can keep their patrons alive by enticing them with free transit rides, then they live to see another day of drinking piss!

Was just in NYC a little ove a week ago, and..yeah, not even tip money:

Which, on the surface, I mostly agree with.

A Sixt spokesman said: “The employees of our franchise partner in Portugal have only followed the rules that arise for insurance reasons. In order to find a customer-friendly solution on site, Mr Verstappen was provided with another premium vehicle.”

So how ashamed are the voters of that New York congressional district for being that suckered for electing a proven pathological liar? Elected to Congress and he’s nothing more than a foul-mouthed, petulant child who couldn’t tell the truth even if his life depended upon it. What a “great” guy.

As many 737 Max planes as they fly, Southwest is probably looking like this right now...

I did a similar thing, though in my case, I put this on the decklid of my 89 GT:

I see one when I jog on the river trail by my house; one of the jail employees owns it. And a friend bought one, so I actually got to ride in one before. It sitsup high and is a bit cushy, but it’s kinda neat overall.

I like that he assumes that in order to have an affectation for cars, you -have- to be straight...

All I could see was this:

I went a little earlier, but same principle:

Friend in Cali had a bone stock one, same thing, though initially they weren’t going to do anything about it, as they said it had just gone out of warranty, but he ‘persuaded’ them to do something, and ultimately they did replace his. I know how clean/ well kept he was with his cars and didn’t modify them, so I’m glad

I went NP cause where else are you going to find another, in as nice of condition? Still can’t believe I had absolutely 0 knowledge that these existed!

I’ve only seen two of these in person in life, a black one like this, and a white one; were all of the coupes targas, or could you get a non-targa top coupe as well?