
Yeah, I saw those names and thought, if I add some numbers and maybe a symbol or two to that, I’ve got a password NOBODY is gonna break!

Looks like you’re in luck!

I would come back and haunt someone if they took me out in that, lol

Just saw the ABC

Yeah, I kinda laughed at that, and this part:

When I see this car (Demon), I see a fast Challenger. There are other ‘fast’ Challengers (392, Scat Pack, Hellcat, etc.), but at the end of the day, they all look like the basic Challenger that dots the parking lot at Kohl’s or Wal-Mart. Meanwhile...

In this recounting, the driver received a warning to get out of the car, however the power doors wouldn’t allow her to exit the vehicle.”

I’m picturing the overlap of anti-vaxxers who end up with gonorrhea that were all like “THEY DEVELOPED THE COVID VAXCINE TOO SOON!!! DON’T TRUST IT!!!” and “uh...I’m burning down there...can I get one of those shots?”

Looking forward to seeing the answer, but I admit, this stood out to me:

Strictly looking at this car and comparable ones (condition, mileage, price, etc.), I would say NP. That said, because the head of the company is so mercurial, I don’t want him to wake up one morning and decide he wants to brick my car for the lolz, so as much as I like this car, I would have to say no.

Can’t speak to the values, perceived or actual, of these, but after seeing this:

*if you tie three of them to the roof, that is.

Is he expecting to be attacked by gangstas from Nottingham Forest or something?

(maniacally evil laugh)

It boils down to, do you want to impress yourself, or those around you in this case. If you’re all about comfort and coddling yourself (and want the neighbors to think/know you have money), get the Rover. If you want the driving dynamics of a car, with the utility of an SUV, get the BMW. Cause while everyone knows and

If you were working for the government in 1945 (or at any time), I’m guessing the youngest you could be was 18?

(logs onto TMZ)

He’s 8 years younger than me, and I always thought he was older than I was!

Yeah, but the top one will probably offer you gelato before it kills you!

This. All I could think was that someone was more important than someone else in the design department and had this greenlit, cause it just doesn’t go well with the rest of the car, DRLs or not.