
Lol. No it’s not. 

I think they are deliberately written and performed to come across as caricatures (and, specifically, negative and/or problematic caricatures) to show the viewer that that is how the observing character (i.e. Bob/Charlotte) sees these people. And I don’t feel that the film endorses - or asks the viewer to endorse -

Wow, that guy *literally* references the name of a Wild West movie in his statement (excuse). I swear a lot of pro-gun Americans yearn for the simplistic (largely fantasy) Wild West days of good guys shooting it out with bad guys (or, to put it another way, enforcing their moral view and/or taking what they want by

Well I’ve never been to Baghdad sadly (I’m sure it’s lovely) but if definitely ask her out if I met her, she seems smart and fun. (I’m *sure* she’d be glad to know this).