
Yes! Where are the cards for the child who is indifferent to her mother, the drama queen? Those, “You are the Most Wonderful Mother In The World” cards make me laugh out loud in the card aisle at King Soopers. I had to give up and don’t send her one but guilt makes me send her an Amazon gift card. Gotta love that

We have been told repeatedly that we are untrustworthy and immoral, simply for the lack of faith. The line goes something like, "How can you be moral if you are not concerned about punishment?" It gets old, very old. My response is to ask that if I proved to them tomorrow that there is no God, would they run out and

Your voice is a drop in a bucket though. If you wouldn't raise your children to be bigoted, racist, sexist, etc assholes then you are obviously not the type of person this article is talking about. Yeah, both religious and non-religious people can be and raise assholes, but the study this article is reviewing does a

Wow. I mean, the research did find that secular adults were more likely than religious adults to accept the science behind global warming, and to support equality for women and gay people. That isn't a notion or stereotype, it was based on research. If you aren't aware or won't accept that many branches of religion

perfect. this is where i get to go all fox news and say,

Does anybody have good, healthy, positive associations with growing up in a religious family? I feel a solidarity with other people who grew up Catholic, but for the most part we are talking shit about how messed up it was. I'm not saying that every Catholic is terrible, it really needs to be something you choose as