Raoul Gonzo

This is your most elegant, beautiful writing as of yet. Your prose flows as effortlessly as the diarrhea which is surely to follow the inhalation of one of these abominations (not that their not good). Thank you for putting your life on the line once again. I’m currently working on an epitaph befitting of your

Solid 3.25" here...

that would explain the lack of dancing...

*current football players

How is it that the two football players in that photo are wearing the most normal looking pants? What in the ever-loving Fuck is going on there?

Your kid...I want him to play with my kid...Instead of that Fucking asshole Logan with the transformers. Good luck in fucking cancer with that cactus.

my kids take leftovers to school like their “poors” which honestly, they are always a week or two away from. Plus it must take forever to pull together one of those bullshit mommy blogger lunches with decorations and shit...gotta start that after your mid-morning wine. That shit’ll be stale by the next day.

I feel you..I think a lot of us have to come to terms that we’ll never “do better” than our parents. Things have changed. Between my wife and I, we make good coin, $120kish before taxes? I start my day at 330-400 a.m. (work by 5 at the latest)so I can pick the kids up at two different schools starting at 430, get

and, they’ll return them no questions asked if there is an issue...Sometimes, they’ll even let you keep the defect pair and give you a replacement.

Red Wings or GTFO. 3 pair in 30 years. None have worn out. I’ve gifted them to a thrifty uncle. I rotate several pairs, so that I’m always wearing a dry one...Don’t use a fat based waterproofing treatment, as it eats the laces, and stitching, and they’ll last forever. Can’t kill ‘em... tree cutting, hardcore

No Hill Farmstead Fest Offerings? Fuck you man, get in the trenches...bleed, sweat, and cry a little, will ya. What a hack.

I think we’re all forgetting of Mystic River for “Boston” movies...all of Boston Metro is surrounded by low-level gangster/mob type guys who’re crooked as fuck and violent at the drop of a hat. Accents were good too...

I’d agree on this point...I’ve been brewing for a little over a year, but don’t bother with the hassle of bottles (been force carbing and kegging since the jump). I’ve done a tremendous amount of research, have a great local homebrew shop and network, and my beer absolutely objectively tastes every bit as good as what

Fuck all these dicks...Not to mention the not so thinly veiled military-esque jingoistic pictures of soldiers in combat turned into bravery memes...Remember to thank a veteran for their bravery and for your know from that impending Iraqi and Afghani invasion. What a lot of people are missing, is that

I don’t know how you could articulate the experiences that he’s talking about without sounding “new age”...motherfuckers like him are in a different age. Their exploits are futuristic. Get on the sharp end of a rope (or no rope as he did), and see if the connection is different, the cocktail of all those emotions

I met this dude once. I wouldn’t say that eschewed safety equipment, but he happened to excel when he didn’t use what mortals consider necessary safety stuff...particularly pro, and ropes. That said, he truly pushed the boundaries of climbing, and helped its evolution into something else. He was one of those people

Story #1 is similar to my uncle’s ex-wife...late 80’s goes to Mercedes dealership for test drive, indicates to salesman she’s never driven stick, he sits her in a demo...He assures her, it’s fine to start the car. Unbeknownst to him it’s in gear...boom, right through the fuckin’ showroom window.

I’m a big dude, and drink a lot of Lagunitas...7% and up, so 5.5 is session time. After 15 or 20, you switch it up with a lime wedge...because you have a lime tree at the house you’re renting, and the limes there are different (less intense) than the ones in the states. It’s not like I was blue mooning it. If you

Daps...Just got back from Costa Rica. Hydrated for 2 weeks straight with Bohemia. Way low alcohol, 95° days every day. Shit was tight with a fresh lime wedge. Drank one bottle of water the whole time there...

This...and I'm not joking, is the funniest/best headline I've ever read. I'd love to see it in all caps on the NY Post.