
That’s one of the things that fascinates me about this. Her clothes in the picture look nice and professional but not excessively high-end. Perhaps her clothes looked more expensive in person but all I see is a tailored suit and coat. Why did the aptly named Scarry get so worked up? Did I miss a giant designer label

Yeah. Totally makes no sense that a woman can get inexpensive-yet-nice-looking clothing when she lives in the motherfucking fashion/knock-off capital of the country.

We will never be the “good guy with a gun.” The 2nd amendment was never written “for us” it was written to protect “them” from “us.” 

We got Trump because of white people. Black people did their job in 2016. 

“Marched with King”

But But HE MARCHED WITH KING! Come on The Blacks! Doesn’t that count? Why are you so conservative? We already gave you Jesus and Julia Roberts in the Blind Side. You’re supposed to LOVE White Saviors. Despite how they feel about you.

It’s not just Southern mentality. It’s North, South, East, West, good old white Murican mentality. 

I have a close female relative that love all that Confederate bullshit, thinks she’s some modern plantation belle, votes and campaigns for Republicans, and would wholeheartedly co sign this trash Facebook post. She is also living off Social Security payments intended for her kids, which she of course views as her

$10 says she does not successfully avoid being racist in the future, either.

Exactly! They always shout not to make it a “race thing” while proceeding to make it entirely a race thing.

This part, tho...

Let’s say I buy that this whole thing was a enormous, tragic mistake (which I don’t), I don’t put it past any cop to cover their ass when shit hits the fan.  If that means letting an someone die so be it.  As soon as a cop shoots you, it’s better for them if you die so that they can set the narrative.

AP just tweeted that “she issued verbal commands” prior to shooting its already starting.

It’s gotta be time to let drugs/alcohol pass through her system, right? Like a 15 hour shift is actually a 12 hour shift + 3 hours at the bar...

The degree to which the authorities are spinning their wheels over this case is really a reflection of how it represents the absolute worst-case police shooting:

“I’m embarrassed that it came from a City Council person,” Rawlings said.“And I want to set the record straight.”

They are trying their best to cover this up but Botham doesn’t have any past they can use to “he’s no angel” him. If 99 percent of cops are good then they should be demanding that their union stop protecting this murderer. They wont though because good cops don’t exist.

People of color were using their rights. Republicans aren’t really fans of that sort of thing.

Can't wait for all the videos of Trump supporters lighting their own knees on fire.