He would be hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact that some of us actually listen to him.
He would be hilarious if it wasn’t for the fact that some of us actually listen to him.
This is part of the trump effect in America; If you get caught lying keep on lying because sooner or later someone will believe you.
What’s in the water in Florida? I’m from South Carolina and the rednecks in FL make the good old boys in SC look like Rhodes Scholars.
We are supposed to be one of the most advanced nations in the world yet many of our so called leaders think they can get through a major health crisis by sheer ignorance and willfulness.
The same place where history showed that Blacks were slaughtered for daring to be successful; You can’t get more repugnant than this!
Republicans have no shame; these are the same people who cried “crooked Hillary” although after 2 years of investigations by DOJ they quietly dropped the “investigation” with no charges. These are the same people who play dumb when you confront them with the fact that Trump has settled two fraud cases out of court in…
Indeed she prevented the GOP from just turning this into a total give away to Corporations and the wealthy. They where visibly annoyed that they where force to give more to the rank and file than originally planned.
I can’t speak on her particular case but having worked contracts management for 30 years I can say that you always read the terms and conditions of any agreement you are entering into. It doesn’t matter if you trust the person or not a business agreement should always be separate from a personal relationship. If you…
The only interesting part of the trial is how low the republicans are willing to go for trump. I wonder if this will influence anyone in how they vote in November?
Obama wasn’t a progressive
Black voters simply understand that voting for a candidate that only democrats like just ensure 4 more years of trump. There is no great crossover candidates in this field and comparing any of them to Obama is ridiculous.
He won by the electoral college idiot
He’s just stating the truth; attacking everyone for not being sufficiently “pure” only helps trump and his idiot supporters; how do you think he got into office?
She won’t go to cnn because that would probably make fox mad and prevent her from making the return we know is coming.
What you seen to forget is that unlike the republicans democrats don’t vote in lock step on every issue; conservative Democrats made it clear that the original ACA was too expensive and they wouldn’t vote for it and in fact they had to scale back the stimulus to get their votes. You can sit back in your dream world…
Unless I miss something he was never senate majority or minority leader so just how he was going to do that I would dearly like to know. You just illustrated another thing about Obama critics; a lot of you don’t really seem to understand how Congress or the federal government works in general.
I think that the far left refusal to acknowledge Obama’s accomplishments and dream up accomplishments for Sanders will come back to haunt anyone who embraced them. The fact that they want to ignore his administration’s handling of the economy after Bush’s fiasco is one reason I don’t take them seriously. Ideology…
The BS is that winning seats you were supposed to is some kind of victory idiot. The democrats were never favored to take the Senate.
This was still a big night for the Democrats; The Republicans are spinning retaining the Senate as a great victory but given the seats up for re-election they knew the advantage was theirs. I hoped like everyone that something crazy would happen but in the end the voters did what was expected in all those contests.…
True I’m just speaking from experience. I’m from SC.