
That’s just the good old southern mentality! Forget about the fact that it is known that they meaning white folks get more government help in sheer numbers than any other group the fact that we get anything will be called handouts. The old southern myth of white folks who would eat mud before taking help is an old

This is a story we need to watch very closely to see how they try to get her off; Their favorite dog whistle of “Black man with a criminal record “ is unavailable because this young man was a college graduate working at a major consulting firm. If or when this case goes to trial I expect them to use their other

I’ll bet the “patriots” so upset with the players kneeling will have no response to this or if anything it will be shrugs of their shoulders.

I agree that he has the individual right not to protest because he has no personal obligation to protest if he doesn’t have any strong feelings about the issue. The problem I have is that he seemed to be using his stature on the team to make other players toe the line.

It will go about as far as any bill he proposed; not that it matters to his fans

So what’s new? Sanders proposes legislation that has no chance of passing and his groupies swoon.

Independent and Democratic voters should not get too distracted by this because the main focus should be taking congress or at the very least the House to neutralize the GOP. The GOP will express outrage because its expected but make no mistake about it the GOP will not abandon the advantage every political party

No one said Obama was perfect just called out the so called progressives for excusing themselves from any responsibility for the state of politics. When everyone is at fault but yourself that might be faulty thinking.

You already stated the most valid point that if we had voted all these fanciful scenarios would be moot points.

You’re right; Obama started out with a majority in Congress which the Democrats promptly lost in his first midterm but still expected him to govern like he was dealing with a totally cooperative Congress.

If his wife said to let him in then what was the justification to deny entry? At that point most places would say you’re responsible for him and move on.

He is real fortunate he had enough evidence to prove his intent because when they call the police they do knowing you won’t get ANY benefit of the doubt! The cop who showed up on the scene already had the mentality of taking him down instead of resolving the issue and white folks know this all too well!

This doesn’t surprise me and it isn’t confined to charter schools; I’m 51 going on 52 from South Carolina and I will never forget the time when I was in catholic school and picked up my cousin’s public school history book and the author explained that slavery wasn’t that bad. According to him most slaves were content

He is missing the boat because he is not acknowledging why despite the success of Obama’s presidency their would still be a negative reaction from the bigoted part of the electorate. The Democratic Party could not do anything with the voters determined to lash out in their racist spite. You are as tone deaf as he is.

His consistent refusal to acknowledge the racial backlash from Obama’s presidency is why I don’t buy his hype.

You just cut through all the BS; while we worried over trivial BS we basically handed power to the people who will cause us real damage!

He really thinks we’re stupid enough to believe that DACA and not that stupid Wall is why he’ s bluffing about holding up this bill; unfortunately some activists will believe him.

You are not correct; the Republicans have a clear majority they don’t need democratic votes.

I wish Obama would have done more but I understand why he didn’t; trump and the republicans were ready to scream at the top of their lungs that he was trying to hand the election to Hilary and being the honorable man he is he erred on the side of caution!

If Lonzo is smart he will cut business ties with his father; the idea that he has the leverage to dictate terms and conditions to a 8 billion dollar sports league would be funny if it wasn’t for the damage he could do to his sons career prospects if his other two sons even have nba prospects.