The republicans still have a narrow majority that allows them to block the democrats if they can’t get their way outright.
The republicans still have a narrow majority that allows them to block the democrats if they can’t get their way outright.
So true; when you’re the President you can’t lead protests to get laws pass you actually have to legislate!! Some of the temper tantrums after the Democrats ended a shutdown they had no real leverage is a prime example.
A federal law regulating how states invest in economic development is blatantly unconstitutional and against the free market principles this country is based on. This is something that China or some other country where the central government controls the economy would do but not here. It would never be brought to vote…
It absolutely does not matter if you like her or not; The call for a boycott was too extreme but her general point that we can’t allow ourselves to be cheated out of a fair market rate is very important. One of the biggest complaints blacks have is that we are lagging behind economically behind the rest of the…
I know for a fact that there are bars in DC and the Virginia suburbs that don’t serve Hennessy because it supposedly attracts black customers.
We are witnessing the same thing that happened with Bush and Clinton. Clinton handed off a strong economy to Bush so of course the greedy republicans made huge tax cuts even while fighting two wars! This will blow up in their faces too but they know their base won’t hold them accountable in the long run! It will be…
You’re on point these people are motivated by their hate and ignorance. When this thing blow up in their face they will just blame the Democratic president who will have to clean up this mess. Bush ran the economy into the ground and he is treated like some honored elder statesman! Meanwhile Obama is everything that…
It may just be me but The Root seems to be blasé about the Democratic victories on Tuesday; I know 2018 will tell the full story but still we have to like the momentum!
Voters will go to the polls here in Virginia on Tuesday and the republican candidate has a very strong chance of winning despite all but promising to take healthcare from the poor; deporting every person with a Latin sounding name, and basically cutting every service that these “working class” voters rely on. He will…
This article is so on point; the voters that the Democratic Party wants so desperately don’t vote base on self interest but on resentment and hatred; we need to focus on the people who share our interests and beliefs.
With trump and sessions in DC cops feel secure from any accountability; something major is going to happen in the next few years.
I used to think of white supremacy in the abstract but since trump has come into office i’ve come to realize that to many whites it is at the core of their identity. A recent incident brought this home to me; I was sitting at a new restaurant and bar on 9 th street in DC drinking my Hennessy minding my own business…
Shield them from accountability and give them more weapons; perfect trump administration logic.
Again fuck you
Fuck you
Please don’t anyone get on here justifying this because the victim may have been a criminal; Excessive force is against the law and cops don’t get to decide what rights they choose to give us! The scariest thing about this is that we have cops who don’t differentiate between criminals or law abiding citizens; just…
I was in the Air Force and the whole “disrespect the troops” line is BS used by people who don’t want to address the issues.
Whitlock is shucking and jiving because after getting fired not once but twice from ESPN and still somehow finding a high paying and relatively high profile job he realize that his luck is bound to run out sooner or later. I’m just glad ESPN got rid of him before they launched The Undefeated which has become a very…
You’re right and to make matters worse Trump just cancelled Obama’s executive order banning the military from giving police departments excess military equipment; watch what happens when these Guys get ahold of all that firepower again!
I’m from the south and I know some towns where they have literally gone decades without building any new sidewalks.