Fitz Rhapsody

Rock Band, on Xbox 360. Guitar and vocals only - waiting to buy the World Tour drums.

Never been INJURED exactly, but my left wrist hurts like a mother after too much Guitar Hero.

Beautiful, successful woman who works in video games. I both respect and love Ms. Bozek. *sigh*

I came.


Still not as fast as my ex-girlfriend.

Chuck Norris jokes need to die. Now.

Good thing you posted his e-mail address so a flood of angry gamers can ransack his inbox, thus giving him incentive and rationale for doing a follow-up story on how gamers are all crazy assholes. Bravo all of my peers!


Talk about taking a quote out of context. The actual paragraph read:

It's PKE meter, not EPK meter. Also, this game will rule.

Nintendo can either work on games and not announce them until they're ready to be released, or announce games immediately and leave fans waiting impatiently for 3-5 years. Remember everyone bitching about Ocarina of Time? Yeah. This is all the fans' faults. If I were Nintendo, I sure as hell wouldn't want to announce

This movie should star the Iron Sheik. /discussion


YouTube is an "alternative?" Seriously? Who the hell has ever heard of "Vimeo?"

The first two comments = made my day :D

Wait, what the hell? There was a Mortal Kombat 5-7?

Yeah, they were definitely playing off the original GB movie trailer. I liked the movie footage because some of the shots were contrasted with in-game footage, and the game looks damn good. Not to mention they probably don't have usable sound bytes of all the actors quite yet, but wanted to emphasize that they will be

I almost got a little teary at the end of Final Fantasy IX, when Zidane was gone (I won't spoil for anyone who reads this). Also surprisingly got a little funny (not quite teary) during the concert during Final Fantasy X-2, for some reason.

Guitar Hero 3; I had a 200-note streak on the Top Gun theme on Hard on my first try, which is saying nothing, because then the solo is ridiculous, but I'll hit practice mode a bit. I also have to beat the final boss on Hard mode, which is utterly ridiculous.