Fitz Matush

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) described a woman as “an adult female of the human species” (we love to see a sitting U.S. senator describe women like members of a puppy litter). 

Just what I want. An 11 year old Buick with a known issue of timing chains going boom. Or a $20K loan, let’s face it Journey buyers ARE financing, on a 130k mile Pilot.

examples such as?

100%. If I wouldn’t buy their ICE vehicles, why would I by their EV and have that shoved down my throat as a viable alternative? They’re crap.

But the Leaf wasn’t good.  

Fake pee.  It works great. Easy peasy. 

I have no experience in the industry, but had similar thoughts. I had no numbers like 10-12, but how would the market NOT appreciate MORE of these gigantic planes?

1980s and 1990s Alfa V6s

That’s fair.  

Ding ding.  

Guys just don’t care. Is that so bad? Why do you want them to care about something you care so deeply about? Is his ugly suit stopping you from dressing how you want? Or is it stopping you from finding a guy who dresses how you want? Jeepers. Grow up.

I mean, it may not be your definition of Robot, but the mobile apps have automated away a TON of fast food jobs.  

It’s hard to want to pay them more when they’re fucking around the country whining about vaccines.  i.e. Not getting paid.  Pay is a two street.  

I said rectangular headlights and a small (relatively speaking) grill harkens back to old honda designs. That’s all I said. The reality going on here is you want to manufacture something that you can be right on. You’re everything WRONG with the internet and it’s commentariat.

I said it harkens back to the look of 90s Honda. You’re the who completely misconstrued the point, in an attempt to be right about something, that it looks just like 90s Honda. When that’s never what I Said to begin with. Then you bring up a god awful example that looks nothing like USDM Honda from the 90s.

HAHAHAHA. Looks who’s wrong on the objective facts. Get fucked.

I like how you hound people who just don’t want to talk about you anymore and while misunderstanding the conversation at hand. If you interrupted my conversation in person and insisted you be right, while not understanding the points being discussed in the first place, I’d also walk away and find someone without

Thank the regulators for all of that.

The moral of my point is, it’s a modernization, to keep up with standards, of 1990s Honda design. Rectangular headlights with a grill in the middle. Why the grill and headlights are the way they are is purely regulation.


I was just arguing the dimensions of grill area. This is a small grill, relative to other vehicles. He said it wasn’t. That’s all.

It harkens back to 1990s Honda because it’s got rectangular headlights with a (relatively) small grill. IMO, that orange HRV is an anomaly in terms of 1990s Honda design and is ugly