Fitz Matush

This guy is a moron.  A company that makes better shitty products is still a shitty company because they made a shitty product.  Referencing the tunnel in LV. 

I watched the first 30 seconds to where he ripped on jalopnik, your employer, for maybe maybe not being a “great publication.”  WTF.  What an asswipe. 

No. It has 34 more but 11 ft-lbs less torque and weighs 300 pounds more. I’m so sick of these fucking twats making shit up to make a point. I’ve never even owned a Toyota or a Mini. I have zero allegiance to either of them. I just want accurate information and for people who don’t know to shut up instead of making

I am going to buy one of these are get a license plate of “OBrien.”

I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but if someone would just put sliding doors on their god damned crossover so we can have vans that tow again, that would be great.

You’re telling me those thigns are exactly 10' tall and we haven’t hooked a basketball hoop to the back of them yet?!  It’s 20fucking21.

I see this dealer employee is rather young; this happens all the time with everything. Who isn’t young is you, Torch, I couldn’t care less about a misplaced badge. 

HE’S 6 FEET 2 INCHES TALL though! /s

Not that fun of a purchase, but learn from David, and go buy some! :)

Because then it isn’t autonomous driving, and it’s contrary to their claims.

They do when the dealer decides to sell them that way. Never noticed the Jeeps on the new car lot that have like $20k of accessories strapped onto them? I’d venture a guess if you go into their parts department you’ll see wheels stacked up that are take-offs.

Sure, but they are still “supply[ing] wheels for car dealers for new cars.”

Surely.  But that’s kind of a moot point.  Subaru can do w/e they want to do. 

They kinda did though. Probably not directly*, but my truck is sitting on a set of accessory BBS wheels.

Uh, you budget that into your vehicle purchase price?  Like, I get it.  It IS A hurdle, but it’s a hurdle that is overcome with a simple solution that is already in place in the buying process to begin with.

Of course the business side of things has to align but the customers design preferences that have 0 impact on quality need not align to the creative direction of a supplier.

It might be the BETTER way, but what’s better in the eyes of your employer? A minor visual misalignment of lugs to spokes or not getting the business for millions of Subaru wheels?  

If it works just fine, why do we care? Yeah, looks. Big deal. It’s a wheel with 6 spokes. It needs 5 lug nuts. I get that you like quirks in cars, but, is this really what being a jalopnik is all about? Discussing bolt pattern integration into alloy wheels? Sounds like something from a “horrid work conference LIVE

I like how we have to trust the log owners, Tesla, on if a Tesla caused a crash.  Conflict of interest anyone?