
Well, now I think we have a different concept of what an anti-hero is. In my mind an anti-hero is one who thinks and behaves in a morally ambiguous or out-right criminal way, yet the audience connects or identifies with, and celebrates the anti-hero’s behaviour. As you mention Walter White in Breaking Bad. Not only is

The Price is Right was The Shit when I watched as a boy.

The squirrel population is way outta control in a lot of places anyway, fuck those furry little bastards.

I should preface this post by saying that I am a 73 year old that obviously grew up in a different time. From the time I was twelve on, I was taught and believed that a man’s word was his bond and very few people were willing to tarnish their reputation. Sad to say, it doesn’t exist anymore, if it ever did.

I had one of the early 97 models that was made in early 96 and the combination of the 4 cylinder and the soft top and half doors make this Jeep a pain to live with.

I had a 4 banger couldnt maintain 60mph on the interstate when going over rolling hills. I was constantly passed by angry truckers. And the only mod was slightly larger than stock rubber.

Windows just make bears hungrier;

I’m regretting this as I type it, but this is a way restaurants can get your butt in the seat and order, then spring the added cost at the last minute. I support paying benefits, but I hate this sneaky crap. Just roll it into menu pricing with a note on the menu.  I’m wondering which MOA place this is, as I very well

Thank you, Captain Pedantic.

I think that both the border policy read and the reference back to Sink’s kiss scene are *extremely* far stretches here.

So 25% cash tip on DoorDash orders or gtfo?

The only thing keeping raccoons from stealing cars is they can’t reach the pedals. Once autonomous cars become widely available expect to see raccoons in cars racing down the highway. Which won’t be half as terrifying as the occasional black bear trapped in a self-driving Subaru, clawing at the doors trying to escape.

Simple: spoon or fork up some of their meal and go: “Choo choo train pulling into the station... Open up! CHOO CHOO!”. If the patron turns away and/or spits up the food, you know they weren't into it. Otherwise, you just earned that 20%!

What the hell is going on?  One of these questions, but it’s not about tipping?

Right? I mean, the real Salty would’ve said:

You know there’s a section within what you described where people genuinely don’t know whether they should tip and if they should, what is the customary amount, right? It’s not solely to get out of tipping, it’s to avoid spending money that no one expects them to spend. Do you tip your bellhop 20% of the cost of your

A Ph.D. in room service? Fucking please...

They should take an example from the server a few weeks ago,steal their personal info off the customers credit card and stalk them on Facebook. 

Clearly these are all fake, because none of them claim to tip a minimum of 25%+ every time, no matter what.