Boy it sure looks like what the 2021 Fusion could’ve been. But I honestly thought the Fusion looked good and this does too. Save the Sedans!
Boy it sure looks like what the 2021 Fusion could’ve been. But I honestly thought the Fusion looked good and this does too. Save the Sedans!
I’m a teacher and have an adorable and friendly aussie. I am lucky to bring him to my tiny school on half days. I, he, students, colleagues all love it. Countless people have suggested I register him as a service animal so I could bring him all the time. For a couple reasons I decline. First, I have no condition that…
Widest hp:credit score gap in the automotive world
Paul Hogan Outback campaign paying off 25 years later
Let us dream
Another fun fact: Luke Perry’s son is a pro wrestler.
You do you, but the threat of fines worked for me to not be a complete fool on public roads. I’ve been pulled over for loud exhaust and expired tags and both times it prompted me to fix them.
Traffic cops should still be a thing and they should have guns. This is America after all and there are desperate people among us. But, you’re right, we don’t need surplus military equipment given to police.
I wasn’t explicit enough, but If cops are video recorded for their entire shift I think it would prevent some misconduct and police brutality and give evidence to prosecute any that did still occur. Doing away with “incomplete stop” pull overs and having sensors in dash cams to determine “swerving” would eliminate…
Were you black moving into a white neighborhood, or vice versa? Because it sounds like the first yuppies gentrifying a neighborhood.
A lot to unpack.
Outrageous headline good for a click. Seriously, though. Traffic violations and defective equipment are dangerous. I know someone who rear ended a car with no brakelights. Why shouldn’t we have officials out looking for offenders? When I was a punk kid I would have hooned and peeled out from every stop sign if I knew…
What diet gives better tasting eggs?
He drives the #43 car? Richard Petty, The King’s number? I see what you did NASCAR. Clever.
Right, they can drive themselves to the fun day on the water I’m hosting.
Kinja’d. Picture a white hankie tied to a stick.
The only Confederate flag that mattered:
I’ll take my chances keeping our gun rights as they stand now. Not interested in British gun restrictions.
Thanks for the referral. It succinctly explains thoughts and feelings I’ve had for years but couldn’t articulate this clearly.