
Louie's third season is pretty incredible, and I'd agree that it's my favorite season. The episode with his father is easily one of my favorites (The scene where he's about to fight with the Boston dude and then they immediately get over it is so delightfully weird). Also, the finale is one of the most beautiful

The way Lester devolves from a doofus to an absolutely (you said it perfectly) despicable character is fascinating, and Martin Freeman earned some respect in my book for being more than just "That dude from Sherlock".

Fargo is only going to get better from there. The next couple of episodes are absolutely incredible.

YES! I could not get behind the hype of her recent album because her lyrics are so gosh-darn asinine.

I don't understand how anyone could ever include Neutral Milk Hotel on a list like this. Can you explain what about the lyric "I love you Jesus Christ" is bad?

Like, all of Yeezus. I like that record a lot, but Jesus, some of those lyrics are unforgivable.

The lying number gag is one of the funniest thing I've ever seen. It's such an easy and obvious joke, but it's so stupid I can't resist it's glory.

I kind of hate how the only Reggae that ever gets popular is College Bro reggae that infuses reggae with rock or cutesy singer-songwriter goofiness.

People that make shitty music tend to be shitty people.

Actually, the women do bug me a bit too. I mean, that has to hurt a lot. I just brought up the guys because I can empathize a bit better. Also, I am a gentle and frail man…so there's that.

I'm on Twitter a lot, but there's a ton of comedians to get through. Plus I'm not big on podcasts. I just watch the show every night before bed, and I get excited when there's someone on I've never heard of that's really funny.

*writes letter to the producers of "Botched"*

Maybe. But still…you just imagine yourself doing that stuff and…yeesh.

That Dating Naked show is the one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen. All these naked dudes willfully zip-lining and riding ATVs with their man stuff unprotected and unrestrained. The shows mostly not good ("Here's an obvious dick joke!"), but those moments where they decide "Let's go water skiing" are

I saw Fassbender on Colbert singing with the mask on the other night. The song wasn't great and the mask scared the shit out of me. But apparently the movie's worth checking out?

Favorite Guests: Funches, Steve Agee, Kyle Kinane, Doug Benson (but he really should be on less often), Thomas Lennon, Niki Glaser, Weird Al, Hannibal Buress, Rob Huebel

There are some episodes that are definitely worth watching, though. The episodes with consistently funny comedians (Funches, Steve Agee, Kyle Kinane) are normally episodes worth catching up on. Plus, some of the running gags are rewarding (Tuxedo Guys, Thomas Lennon's losing streak that finally ended)