
Bullshit. Science has been hiding a lot of information from the public for awhile on this issue. This is just one of many cover ups done in the name of science to protect citizens. It’s long been known this was caused by graboids. But you guys keep on drinking that koolaide made with your tap water. Hopefully the

  • B(lack Bolt) roderick

I have long theorized that Santa is really the last of the vampires. He gives out gifts so that children will invite him into their homes, he wears red to hide the blood stains, he lives where the sun doesn’t shine for long periods of time and where it’s cold enough to keep his blood supply frozen, and he turns into

With the vague way it’s presented, it just seems like an existing character comes across a community they’ve never seen before—like someone else stumbling upon The Kingdom.

“This one tells us that kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome and bestiality are all just fine, as long as the girl finds love in the end.”

“You see they type great during the day, and type even better at night. But in the failing broadband, they can’t connect. Magic hour.”