
I say big words because I is smart! Yes, we all know that any movie, TV show or book is required by law to be completely logical, fact based, not allowed to suspend disbelief and have a lot of versamilliamplitude, whatever that is. Somehow, the fact that you admit you watched it AND took time out of your day to

Dear editor -

My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.


Co-opting? Marginalizing? Hate crime?

I thought their portrayal was golden

“Save the massive Hutt orgy for Episode IX. It’ll be more meaningful that way.”

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

Mixed feelings about this.

Dorn’s response right after CBS made such an insulting offer;

Can we keep an eye on him without having to look directly at him? I don’t want to punish my eyes.

The 12 million subscribers that he had.

You were never told that, because you’re a fucking dickless clown.

I don’t know. They are fun to bump.

“I’d fucking imagine that would be fucking possible, in some fucking way, but I’m just not fucking sure how to do it, fucker.”

That’s completely nuts

Do you know why I remain a Patriots fan Drew? Because of my father. I lived in Maine my entire childhood and teenage years. I remember the shit years, the years where Velcro on the gloves wouldn’t have helped the receivers make catches. For years we were the butts of the NFL. Then suddenly Mo Lewis knocks out Bledsoe

On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender