Fist McKnuckles

No it isn’t. Tesla gets more coverage than any other EV manufacturer out there, and yet Nissan lead in EV sales for years and it wasn’t until last year that Tesla Motors as a brand managed to surpass Nissan in sales to have the best selling EV on the market.

A few points:

That’s easy.

To pretend that slaves were never happy or never had a good day or never smiled is to deny them a basic part of their humanity. That some were friendly with or even loved their masters is undeniable.

But Kotaku keeps telling us what a terrible idea it is to preorder games, how those who preorder games are part of the problem, and that we should stop.

But Kotaku keeps telling us what a terrible idea it is to preorder games, how those who preorder games are part of

That guy is a dipshit. Kotaku probably has like 2,000 regular readers, at this point. The only reason this article has so many views/comments is because it was shared on Jezebel, then Gawker, then Deadspin(!), then every other fucking blog on the Gawker network.

Nevermind Kotaku. Bethesda should have been nicer to RPG fans.

I would want some serious games/programs developed for it for that amount, not just some gimmicks of hey i’m on a roller coaster :/

While I haven’t played any of them enough to do a full review-type post, I feel pretty safe in recommending them.

I’m okay with their explanation but I’m still pretty peeved that it took them five days to say anything concrete about it (and that when it was happening they were completely mum). They can do better.

She only starves to death if you don’t buy enough DLC every month.

They need to be sued. They would lose and it would probably be a good step in getting them to change. I don’t like the sue crazy nature of the US but this is a company that really needs to be knocked down a peg.

“It’s suits not having the balls to tell people they are broke so they can squeeze every last second of work out of them.”

This happened to me once. I went out on lunch break, and asked an attorney about it. Then I came back and told my employer I was clocking out and going home and I had the right to do so as when they hired me they had me sign orientation papers where both the company and I agreed to work for a pay scale 0f $xx.xx

I think of that as selective “intellectualism”. Its more about being aware of part of “things”, versus attempting to put EVERYthing in context (as much as we can, limited beings that we are). Intellectualism is not the enemy. Ignorance is. You can be intellectual and ignorant. That idea is that as you become more

I think of that as selective “intellectualism”. Its more about being aware of part of “things”, versus attempting to

You can go and fuck yourself with that Trump voter comment.

You can go and fuck yourself with that Trump voter comment.

The top myth should be “Prepaid is bad.” People still think the prepaid carriers have local-only coverage, no long distance, use old/bad cellular networks, are only for people with bad credit, etc.

The truth is they are reselling the same voice and LTE data from the big 4 companies - and you can instantly cut your

I voted 0$ because it is fucking 0$. And ya know what? After today’s “Hey lets put micro-transactions in everything across Bungactivblizzard Land”, It’s gonna be 0$ For the foreseeable fucking future.

Why dont people just play the game and work for money rather than cheating using glitches. No one said you have to pay your hard earned real life money to get fake money to spend it on guns, cars, and apartments. This is the problem with gamers today. You dont want to work for achievements. Its money glitch this, car