Blame the consumer. Even though Fallout 4 was announced with mod support on consoles and as of last week was still supposed to be getting it. Yep, it’s totally the consumer that failed here.
Blame the consumer. Even though Fallout 4 was announced with mod support on consoles and as of last week was still supposed to be getting it. Yep, it’s totally the consumer that failed here.
Well either Sony or Bethesda better cough up $60 because I bought Fallout 4 on PS4 because I was promised mods. Not hinted, not teased. It was a fucking promise made and here I've sat for months waiting. Nice job.
Did his Klan membership impact his teaching? Did he bring it to work? Because if not, this is bullshit. They weren’t listed as a hate group then and society was different. Not saying better.
As much as I love to fear monger, I’m not worried about this one. There’s simply not enough added value for this to take off. Gamers are dumb (we’re consumers like any others) but even horse armor SEEMED like it could change the game up. This is just...better color use and resolutions a good chunk of us don’t have…
Yeah. Phone games are the best way to play with family for long periods. Especially deep engaging experiences like runners.
Because goddammit if you're gonna talk about 9/11 you HAVE to bring up snide ass New Yorkers. Seriously, what does your douchebaggery have to do with this nonstory? Just felt like letting us know you think you're better than tourists?
Except the criticism is deserved. A male anchor would be ripped for wearing khaki shorts, Obama would be impeached if he wore pretty much anything not a suit when addressing a tragedy.
Ok so what does this do? I genuinely don’t know what HDR is (as in what it does) and 4K seems petty if it won't do it for films.
So campus sexual assault is a scourge without any proof on your part that the numbers are up (responsible writers use the word “allegedly”) and you flat out state that we’re in an era where athletes aren’t punished for crimes. Pretty bold statements when you don’t cite a single source. Could it be you’re just playing…
I’m not usually terrible at English. When did “responded to” mean “completely ignored”?
You should add in a warning about the one thing that tends to turn people off (like me) so they can save time and money.
Didn’t expect to read a piece about Dylan only to get offended early on and not bother reading the rest.
We’re supposed to be above mob justice. This is misdirected at best. The justice system failed, not the judge. We empower shitlords like that to hand out these non-punishments. These protests should be in the yards of lawmakers. Change the system that allows this.
Funny how commenters here will cheer a death of someone they disagree with politically yet flip the fuck out when someone shrugs off a repeat violent criminal getting shot by police for being repeatedly violent. Really gives you the moral high ground.
I still don’t get why Journey is so loved. To almost everyone else it seems to be this beautiful and magical experience that touched and/or changed their lives. To me it was a simplistic and bland waste where you hold forward, jump 2 or 3 times and reach a highly predictable end waaaaay too quickly.
Sell drugs that kill? Deflect and say prescriptions are bad.
This is probably the most well written piece I’ve ever seen on Jezebel.
I'll grab it for $5 or less. Gearbox should have done something better with the franchise. $20 is steep. Plus I don't trust them. At all.
So he didn't have to see her tits OR her show? Sounds like he won the lottery to me.
My only regret is ever telling family what I named my daughter. In this age of fucked up spellings and unique butterfly bullshit I am proud to have a completely normal and boring name for her. I probably wouldn’t have a chip on my shoulder if everyone didn’t get pissy when I can’t spell THEIR kids’ names. For the fuck…