Fist McKnuckles

Annnnnnnnd consoles are now officially slashing their own throats. One of the big reasons I bother with consoles is not having these frequent jumps and spurts in power. If I wanted to be on the low end every 3 years (or broke and up to date), I’d stick to PC.

Funny when the far right wingers that worried and warned that this follows gay marriage are being proven correct.

I remember years ago rolling my eyes and sighing at yet another WW2 game rolling off the line. Now I’m getting deja vu doing the same for yet another fight the system, Orwellian, play as minority game.

This doesn’t feel as big as Ferraro to me. That was a huge leap (being 2nd in line was a lot better than like 8th, which is as high as women had been). Ok, she lost, but Hillary hasn’t won yet either. Even Pelosi felt pretty monumental because she held the 3rd spot on her own merits.

Hmm. I understand why modders would be upset. I don’t understand why anyone else cares. Some person doesn’t have their name on yet another LotR armor mod? Heavens!

Goddamn you people aregiving this more coverage than a mu mu on a supermodel. Go have a snack and take a break ffs.

I downloaded this on PS4 then when I triedto start it told me to pay. I felt that was false advertising, then looked the game up (I hadn’t heard of it at the time) only to find it’s yet another MOBA type shooter.

Calling something art doesn’t make it immune to rules. Apple can allow or ban whatever they like. They could ban a Bible app, a Constitution app, or even Candy Crush. Totally up to the discretion of the company. "Art" is not a defense.

That next to last paragraph is confusing. Is a female orgasm art or education? And let’s be honest and blunt here: does it really need to be addressed as an app?

Did you really just do a write up on how a guy looks? That is hilarious, sexist, and so incredibly stereotypical female all at once.

The fact that it could easily be mistaken as real says a LOT about Kotaku and the stories posted here. If it was blatantly ridiculous it wouldn't matter. It's just barely off base for Patricia and Kotaku, and that is a statement itself.

Makes him more relatable to me. All I know about the Bay area is it’s full of whiny social agenda nutjobs that have roughly the morals of Caligula if he felt really nasty one day.

Makes me want to buy the game actually. I don’t support this blacklisting Red scare bullshit just because I agree with LGBT rights. A private company should have the prerogative to support or discard whatever it chooses. Kotaku never reports on man hating (which happens) or forced diversity (which also happens). Just

Except it IS their decision. Privately owned company right?

I don’t think it’s ok to force private organizations to bend to your social stance. If it was publically owned that changes everything but you can’t force your views on others. At some point a line has to be drawn where dissent is allowed.

I don’t think it’s ok to force private organizations to bend to your social stance. If it was publically owned that

Bad games might. Because you’re trying to turn one thing that stimulates very specific urges into another. Putting radio on TV only worked when you added something TV-specific (seeing the band). Same when books get converted. But neither had to lose the core of what made them work. Music was still part of videos and

Odd, I felt Uncharted lacked action right up until the last chunk. A big scene here and there really didn’t change that. If things like the awful and pointless flashback to being a kid sequences are what he wants, he will lose me. They didn’t even contribute to the story in any real way. Just walk around listening to

My wife and I thought both endings were a big flop.

Now they just need to lower the price to something reasonable. I’m not about to drop $60 on an unproven small indie dev’s game that promises way too much to be true.

If you pay someone they have legal protections including non-discrimination. I worked for a company where the pres got sued by a temp because he didn’t think they had rights.