Fist McKnuckles

In the various sensitive and potentially violent situations I’ve found myself in, my concern always ALWAYS boils down to the same thing: get home in one piece. Codes and orders and all that crap be damned. I’ll apologize, I’ll convert, I’ll do whatever it takes to get myself and those with me out safely.

That kinda sounds the same to me. It was 6 now it’s half a dozen.

Just needs to feel a tiny bit less floaty in the combat. And give the option to hear from your pawns but not constantly. Maybe give a more interesting story. Premise is good but I wasn’t really interested most of the game.

And everytime I go to add a reply to Dipshit, that racks up another view.

Why are you bringing gender into it? I’m mocking the “occupation” of the guy. Girl. Whatever.

This is my last reply to you because you are too dense to keep wasting my time with. Populace is the people in question of a location, since I started the discussion and used the US and world as base locations it was (and should be according to every rule of conversation) assumed your use of “general populace” meant

I didn’t drop the term general populace, which consists of roughly 7 billion people on this lovely planet, you did.

117,000 views is less than 1% of the US population, much less the world. Which makes my earlier assessment accurate. The general public doesn’t even know who this is.

Why would I? There’s no rule that comments must be supportive and not snarky.

No it’s not. It’s a person that plays games. That is on the polar opposite end of the interesting spectrum for like 99% of the planet including me and I’m a huge gaming fan.

Unemployed person that found a way to monetize it becomes more unemployed and picks up a first world problem along the way. Story at 11.

Serious point first, then silly.

ReCore was a high profile delay? I’m about to hit up Google because I don’t even know what that is.

So he was writing something? Half Life 3 confirmed.

Not to get too technical but Sony can afford to take a hit far more than Facebook can. Sony has decades of retail exposure that absorb costs. They would ship PSVR with PS4s and TVs and all the other stuff they make. FB will have to establish logistics routes more or less from scratch (assuming nothing has cartied over

Is that just for the first half?

Custom made? So they’ll build it to the contours of my head? Otherwise by your definition everything is custom made.

What exactly are the uses for VR for the average consumer? Gaming and...what? At least the PS3 had a bluray player and at the time BC.

7 didn’t borrow from the originals, it was ANH. Like, exactly. I didn’t want it to be some completely new unrecognizable thing but a different story in some way would have been nice. Borrowing would be when you could point at a scene and say “that’s sorta like X!” whereas 7 is “this movie already came out damn near

Not being able to find the games I want to play. As I stated. Indies can be great, they can do well and be popular. But they aren’t for me. I don’t want to see cell phone game ports and match 3 games when I’m looking for high production value. A separate storefront wouldn’t hurt your shopping but it would help mine.