Fist McKnuckles

I wonder how much will get carried over in some form to The Fractured But Whole.

I tryto never say this and just give people on the internet the benefit of the doubt but Kirk you’re kinda...stupid. I feel dirty now so I’ll hit a few points.

I’ve been told when Kotaku goes over the line that you are bloggers. I’ve been told when you want to be taken seriously that you’re journalists. Pick a side and make it universal. Identity issues aren’t gonna help you.

What bothersme is this is JJ Abrams. Super 8 was supposed to harken back to Spielberg in his prime. Star Trek was marketed quite a bit as the core characters with modern style. Both failed at that. Super 8 was self indulgent to the point of being boring and Star Trek pretty much took every interesting thing about each

You are a saint and a gentleman. Or woman.

Can I do it immediately? What do I have to do? GIVE ME ANSWERS!

The DJ is the most annoying thing in the game. No bug, no Deathclaw, no suicider catching me unawares is half as grating as that awkward piece of shit. Can you find the station and kill him or something? Because I’ve forgotten my son at this point but that jackass is always there.

That’s crazy. I use them somewhat liberally and I have 143 as of this moment. I’ve crafted maybe 5 but I find so many (and Radaway) that I don’t think about food much.

I’m really glad Battlefront is hitting this week. Because I don’t want to get it until the GOTY or whatever version hits. I can usually justify some DLC for single player games because you get out of it what you put in. MP maps always get filtered by popularity and Battlefront just seems to have too few maps at

I like the irony of Zoe Quinn being a victim of harassment to the point of...turning around and painting a broad stroke across a group of gamers in an insulting way.

Regular PS4 from Amazon, no issue, got here at roughly the usual UPS time.

That land will never be mined again. Or at least as long as the government wants to run insanely secretive flights and such in the area. The family getting caught up on that is outright silly. It’d be like having a corn maze just inside the perimeter of Fort Knox. The value of the maze would be moot the minute guard

5.4 million for unusable, inhospitable land that you can’t sell to anyone else sounds like a good deal to me. The uniqueness of the property would be worth a lot more...if they could sell to anyone they wanted or roll out chairs for tourists. As it is there is only value to the government and only expense and headache

What does, this movie? I really don’t care. But good to know you wish ill on strangers. Makes you seem so much more cultured than the other guys wishing ill on strangers. For the record I’m neither pro or anti. I don’t take videogames that seriously. I just think anti-GGers are significantly worse about covering their