Fist McKnuckles

THANK YOU! The streamers doing it for monetary gain are the exact reason this comes up at all. Without the assets from the game (music, art, etc) there would be no revenue stream. If you stream for fun I can support the use of whatever. One donor, ad, or any other form of compensation and you owe a piece to the

Well let’s see, I have a wife next to me and my infant sleeping in her crib about 5 feet away. I could turn on the TV and wake them up or I can get in a 30 minute session as I relax before sleep.

I’m a generic white guy with generic white guy parted hair. What you’d find on any man in the last few decades that wasn’t trying to be fashionable. Clean cut but not slicked or anything. I’ve played maybe 3 games that give me that option. I can wear a bunch of terrible hipster styles or I can look outright stupid but

Wait, how is that not a textbook example of bait and switch?

So glad I didn’t back this. It may turn out amazing but holy hell feature creep. Wasn’t the game due last year?

Actually from what I see there are no standards being broken. You don’t have to reveal the source, you don’t have to give some huge timeline for the other side to respond, and I don’t get what you mean about verifying sources.

First world fucking problems. Who gives a shit what a name is or someone’s aversion to them? Wouldn’t be an issue if everyone stopped trying to be soooo unique over something ultimately passive.

Christ. I saw the first paragraph and thought immediately that she would blame everything she could that wasn’t herself. Sure enough it’s disease and Sony and men. Not once does she actually claim the circumstances of her life. Don’t talk about what you wanna do, do it. And she wants some collective push to change

Nothing screams immersion quite like having to search the internet for basic features. Maybe in Destiny 2 we can have ads in the middle of the screen and if you click enough of them to earn rank 5 cesdipolarniduf you get a gun that only shoots if you punnelquarzy a few times.

Was specifically going to post exactly this.

This game alone? Not quite. It is daunting for a new player even if you follow the tips that have been posted. But along with other multiplats and exclusives (depending on your tastes) the PS4 is my favorite of the 3 consoles. If you grab Witcher 3, MGSV, and Bloodborne you have enough content into 2016’s spring I’d

I can’t force Bungie to do anything. There is a wide gulf between what’s there and holding our hands. This isn’t a binary thing. But it’s way too far in the direction of obtuse right now. Players shouldn’t feel left out on their purchase because they didn’t get a degree in Random Terms, and a LOT of us feel that more

Nah. They don’t hide core gameplay behind it, just lore. In Destiny if you don’t know what Xur/ultras/dailies/Legendary marks are you are kissing content bye bye. Like...a ton of it.

Sigh. What’s a sherpa? I mean that. And please don’t say a guide to climb the Himalayas.

You learn what they do, not what they are. Huge difference. A vex, taken, or fallen are just things to shoot. They have no real story as of where I am, mostly through the vanilla stuff and about halfway on the first 2 expansions plus 1 mission into TTK. That is a LOT of ground covered to have all bad guys essentially

See, why can’t Bungie say that? They throw all this stuff at you and expect you to know what any of it is. I could list pages of wtfs like what’s the difference in a strike versus raid? Is there a reason sometimes 2 story missions open at once? Is there a non-wiki, non-subreddit (in other words, in-game) way to know

I’m eating my own words here because I love what Destiny is now. I absolutely hated it at launch, never even made it off the moon.

The issue I have is that Kickstarter is now a way to make anything. From Shenmue to fondue, it cuts too wide across the market. I always thought of it as a way for devs with a vision traditional publishers wouldn’t back to get it out there. Or a last resort for dream projects.

If I had started with The Babadook, I’d swear off horror forever. What a massive disappointment that was.

I looked the first night they were up. Pretty much only saw stupid deez nuts crap and 420blazeit garbage. Told me enough, I won’t be using this feature.