Fistic Glory

Watching this episode revealed to me just how far out of pop culture (or I guess, super mainstream pop culture) I've fallen because I had zero idea what "lemonading" was referring to. Only after looking it up post-episode did I discover it's a Beyonce thing. And I don't mean that as a "I'm so cool and disconnected"

See, I admire Good Place's construction and did find it quite funny but I feel the gags are given equal priority with plotting, whereas Great News, like 30 Rock and UKS, is just a joke incubator with no interest in serious plot or anything. Both are good (and the ending of Good Place will likely trump anything Great

I've been absolutely loving this show. 30 Rock is my favourite sitcom of all-time and this has the same tone and similar joke-rate. I've gotten along with it a great deal, much like Kimmy Schmidt was an instant favourite for me owing to the 30 Rock writing pedigree. Given the airing schedule, I've been concerned that

Really disappointed in this news. The show was generally great at what it set out to do and shone a light on an important and sadly persistent issue. It reminded me of Veronica Mars with it's wit, tone and storytelling style - and reminding me of V. Mars can never be a bad thing. Hopefully they can find a new home

Argh - I didn't realise that was the finale - bummer! Very glad to hear it's been renewed for a 2nd season. After approaching VERY cautiously (loved The Good Wife but the 7th season was a real let down) TGF has become one of my favourite shows of the year. Strong performances, compelling main arc and all the typically

I'm aware that I'm just lying to myself to cut the show some slack but I decided it was symbolic rather than literal, with Jane seeing the violence in Perry and connecting it to the violence of her attacker. If I try hard enough I can make myself believe that interpretation because the idea that he was her rapist just

Ginger Snaps is to me what the hamburger phone was to Juno: cool.

Yep. I'm neither a fan nor a hater of Diablo Cody (liked Juno at the time but it is quite annoying - Young Adult was pretty great though) but USOT was very good and gave us all Brie Larson, so that's a major tick in the win column.

It's so lazy to lay the blame on people not liking female politicians. I'm fine with female politicians, I don't like Hilary. She's Tony Blair with an American accent. Dismissing anyone who finds her politically repulsive as a misogynist or whatever is like saying anyone who hates Trump just hates rich people. Too

I should probably feel bad that I identify strongly with Charlie there.

Wasn't the joke there that the others accents are just as offensive but Chinese is, for some reason, out of bounds? I mean, it's rightfully out of bounds but, realistically, that Italian accent is just as offensive.

This was tremendous.

Yeah, it's not really "respecting" a marriage to come out and declare your sexual interest in one of the participants. Obviously something like this is not a black-and-white situation as people fall out of love and in love with others (and there's bound to be some crossover) and it can all be a bit messy, but him

This has Bae Doona, so I'll watch it. Judging by the trailer it'll be the worst film I see all year.

Contrast how Jasmine communicated with Adam versus how Kristina treated Sarah when Sarah let her work-life selfishly get in the way of Max's whims. I'm very late to the Kristina Hate Party but her picking a fight with Jasmine in this episode really set me off.

Max will snap in the finale and try to cram the entire family into a snow globe.

You know, Roki, from hit comedy duo Gorfunkel and Bates.

The Girl Next Door IS based on real events, I believe. As far as I recall, it's based on the horrific Sylvia Likens case from the 60s, where a young girl and her sister were subjected to unbelievable torture by their carer and local neighborhood kids. Though I guess that knowledge may not help with your quest of

Crucifictorious are neither crappy, b-list OR fake, you inhuman monster!

The UK show this is based on was very entertaining. I don't know if a US remake will work but at least they've got a decent cast to work with.