
I came here to give some love to the E39 M5... Glad I’m not the only one thinking along those lines. I’m never selling mine!

I think you’re right, the prices will keep going up on the E39 M5. Mine is relatively high mileage, and daily driven, so by no means a concours example, so it won’t ever skyrocket in value.

Mine is an ‘02, so maybe things were a bit more sorted by then. I’ve not had anything like the problems you’ve listed, although I’ve encountered a few E36's that sound just like that, which puts us more in the time frame of when your car was built.

I’m not the original owner, but I have a ton of service records, and the only non-drivetrain related repairs I’ve seen have been the cupholders... 3 times.

I’m not having any problems with the body on my 200k plus km E39 M5...

Or, maybe it’s the best way to own an E39 M5, cause now the repairs are tax deductible... ;)

Hahaha! Clearly!

Yeah, homologation is the best! We need more homologation! Homologate all the things!!!

That’s alotta Pulsars!!! I had one of those GTI-R’s for a few years. Really fun in the snow. I didn’t have 9 of them though...

“Many say it is the best car ever produced”

In my eyes, the worst aspect of ICBC is that they charge taxes on the private sale of used vehicles. I came here from Alberta, where that was unheard of. Imagine my surprise when I went to insure my car and they asked “how much did you pay for it?”

I get the sense the whole thing is staged. It’s too perfectly concise, a phone is more likely to slide off the roof than a wallet, and why blur the guys face.

Another reason why MotoGP provides much better racing than F1...

My question exactly.

I’m sorry you seem to be so misinformed about who the arrogant asshole in MotoGP is...

I’ve seen IOM, and some of the “real road races”, and for sure, those guys are nuts, and it is exciting, but with the staggered starts, you just don’t get as much of the drama of the battles on track, and last lap maneuvers.

Subscribe to It’s not cheap, but it’s definitely the best way to watch. Every practice session, quail, and race, plus interviews and press conferences, in HD.

He wasn’t last year at Philip Island and Malaysia, when all the shit went down.

Right?!? MotoGP has got the most exciting racing on the planet, and somehow gets no love in North America.

I would much rather see fines and penalties for whiny little entitled pricks who feel like it’s okay to screw with a legitimate contenders title hopes, when they themselves are not in the running. You know, the kind of thing that ruins the integrity of the sport?